Monday, May 05, 2008

The Games (Lies) Lawyers Play

In my previous post, I mention some of the games/lies that lawyers play. Keep in mind that the judge should manage the process, but most take a rather passive role. Only mediating if one lawyer objects.

The other ironic thing is that judges can be very impatient with the citizenry especially if they don't abide by century old dogmatic traditions. Judges demand respect, but they don't seem to mind the patronizing, phony "respect" they get from lawyers who are trying to get away with something.

If I were a judge, I'd run things a lot more stringently, I'd be pretty unpopular with the lawyers and their union, the bar. I'd be accountable to the people not the lawyers. I'd hold the lawyers to a higher standard, they should know better than to game the court. That means I'd be a one termer.

When I caught a lawyer bullshitting the court, wasting time, playing games, I'd hold them in contempt to discourage injustice.

Why should the following behavior by lawyers be acceptable to a judge?
  • Lying, exaggerating, drama, or telling "partial" ("un") truths
  • Shopping for an ignorant or favorable jurisdiction or judge
  • Coming late or unprepared to court
  • Freezing/Seizing assets for legal fees ahead of existing creditors
  • Treating clients as they did two centuries ago when many were not educated to the level that is common today
This is all abusive behavior and as a consumer of legal services you have every right to demand better service. Doing it won't make you very popular though.

Status: First Draft


guttergirl said...

Lawyers are just high paid spin doctors. Sometimes, when they are done the truth isn't even recognizable anymore. I always thought my MIL would have been a good lawyer or social worker.
Good luck.

JQ75 said...

Thanks for stopping by GG. You are too kind... I might call them high paid liars/criminals.

I had one situation in court that wasn't recognizable to me or the supposed sources, I insisted on an explanation... Oh I got your case details confused with another!!! WTF!!! And did he inform the court of his stupid error? Hell no!

Check out my recent post to my new humor blog - 99% of lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. SO TRUE!