Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Well apparently I have an avid computer using neighbor.
How do you like his pumpkin smiley?

And here's my son, hamming it up for the camera in a scary mask.

My son had fun decorating my house, putting lights in the windows, spiders, skeletons, ghosts, and eyeballs. He keeps opening and eating Halloween candy so I had to run to the store on Halloween day and get some.

Check out my ex, the bitch, on Halloween dressed as herself, a monster. LOL

Display censorship by bitch

Halloween was on Wednesday, my visitation day, but as usual the ex shows up to supervise the trick or treating. I wouldn't necessarily mind if I saw similar flexibility as it relates to me, but my ex likes one way streets, her way, or no way.

The next day was my volunteer morning for my son's computer class. I brought left over Halloween candy to the class. That made me even a bigger hit with the kids than usual.

This year's computer class is such a marked difference from the prior year. My son's teacher can see that I am a big help and occasionally leaves me with the whole class. She has an interesting custom, my son gets to select one of several class "cheers" that the class will do to thank me. Last year's teacher, preferred to use two inexperienced helpers rather than me and closed me out of every volunteer opportunity. Another teacher in this grade that follows my son's class prefers to use no helpers and I have sat through her class and its a zoo compared to my son's class. Just an interesting social observation. I'm happy to contribute and since their other coursework is integrated into the computer lab (in other words they use the computer to do course work not just for the sake of using a computer) I get a closer look at what's going on in my son's class. Funny my ex had signed up for computer lab, but then decided to switch to a different subject (Art I think). Just as well, I don't really need to see that "monster" any more than necessary.


Unknown said...

Your ex has some serious issues she really should seek help for! her costume was fitting, although it would have been better if she had money (yours) falling out of her mouth.

I'm happy for you that you got to have such fun with your son on Halloween.

JQ75 said...

Thanks for stopping by swann. My ex didn't actually dress up for Halloween, she was clowning around with my son before she took him back to her place and put on his mask. My little sarcastic joke was that is her naturally without a costume.

You are right about a money falling out being a fitting costume, since I am not likely to get her cooperation on that one it sounds like a job for Photoshop... Hmmm, something to do on the cold evenings will be getting soon.

Yeah we had fun, he collected quite a bit of candy. And it was fun the next day to see his class get excited about getting an unexpected treat. And they all put the candy wrappers in the trash, left everything nice.

Anonymous said...

I like your pumpkin! Cool idea :-)

JQ75 said...

Can't take credit for the pumpkin, it's my neighbor's but it was so cool, I had to share it with everyone.