Friday, December 07, 2007

Pinch me....

...LOL...Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while...

I have a stack of court notices I've saved up to open when I feel like being aggravated. So I open them up Motion to Compel the State Public Employee Retirement System (PERS), the usual heavy handed tactics. Opps a surprise, notice from assigned judge:
Plaintiff motion dismissed w/o prejudice, full costs assigned to Plaintiff
Yee Ha, who woke up the judge? Six months after the final decree and the Plaintiff is still issuing needless 10 page motions and the judge finally realizes she's milking a case long after the final decree. Thank God for the little miracles.

I just want to know what took the asshole so long. Maybe its because someone at State PERS asked what the hell the littlest court was doing trying to compel it. They say "better late, then never", personally in this case, I think that's splitting hairs.

1 comment:

Little Wing said...

Now the blind squirrel finding a nut once in a while, lol, we wont go there.
BUT .......motion dismissed??????!!!!!
And you also have ten more pages of ass wipe!!!!!!!!