Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Day

Our country's future is at stake... Don't blow it.

Election Day by Cubbybear on Motifake

A picture is worth at least 1000 words...

Photo from Click on photo to see it enlarged or post header to see the source web page.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

McCain's Mistakes

McCain has made big mistakes...
  • McCain was too respectful to our current President.
    He only recently criticized Bush and showed where he disagreed with him.
  • McCain was too respectful to his opponent.
    He has not criticized his opponent's many flaws or staunchly defended himself from attacks.
  • xx
Remember McCain is not Bush and Obama is not Clinton.

As an example, who is for equal pay for equal women? Careful its a trick question.
  • Obama has lots of ads promising equal pay for women.
  • But Obama pays 83 cents per dollar to women on his Senate Staff.
  • On the other hand McCain has equal pay for both genders on his campaign staff.
So how are you gonna vote by words or actions?

Status: Rough Draft - Updated 10/26/08 4 PM

Do we even need an election?

According to many NO!

  • We have ACORN stuffing the ballot boxes.
  • We have Democratic Election Officials more interested in representing their party's Presidential Candidate then fulfilling their sacred duty to a fair election.
  • We have pollsters telling us the election is over and who has won.
  • We have the media telling us, as American's we must vote for the winner they tell us too, otherwise we are throwing away your vote.

If you understand what your voting obligation is then you must
  • Protest anyone's attempt to stuff the ballot box.
  • Vote crooked, biased Election Officials out of office.
  • Tell pollsters you can make up your own mind and that their popularity contest is irrelevant.
  • Tell the media to can their thinly veiled attempt to influence the election and their trite bullshit propaganda.
  • Go and vote your conscience, not for popularity, this isn't American Idol, this is your future, this is your real life, act like it.
If you don't understand your voting obligation then
  • Sit on your ass, listen to the boob tube, vote for your American Idol (or not), and shut the fuck up when he screws up, you deserve what you got.

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 10/26/08 1:30 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Democratic View on Terrorism

A Barack Obama campaign spokesperson, Bill Burton, argued that Barack didn't say:
"Iran doesn't pose a serious threat to us."

What Barack Obama actually said, verbatim, in full context, was
"I mean think about it Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared ta the [SIC] Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us and yet we were willing to talk to the Soviet Union at a time when they said we're going to wipe you off the planet. And ultimately that direct engagement led to a series of measures that led to a series of measures that helped prevent nuclear war and over time allowed the kind of opening that brought down the Berlin wall. Now that ... That [SIC] has to be the kind of approach that we take. Uh ... We ... We ... We shouldn't be... [SIC] Iran may spend 1/100th of what we spend on the military. I mean if ... if [SIC] Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us they wouldn't ... they wouldn't [SIC] stand a chance."

So what is Barack really saying?

Can he possibly be serious? Is he trying to say that there is no difference between a stable communist government and radical suicide terrorists? When did Russia ever say they were going to "wipe us off the planet"? Thank God, that was never their stated goal or it would have been done already! They were capable of it because we were capable of it. It was a "cold war" with minimal casualties, not a terrorist war with suicide bombers /pilots on American soil or against American outposts overseas.

"If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us they wouldn't stand a chance?" Was 9/11 a serious threat? Did it take a lot of money? Did they stand a chance? Can he possibly believe his own words?

The naivety of comparing a stable government with terrorist radicals is dangerous to each and every US citizen.
So when the Obama campaign spokesperson argued with Fox News about this quote, insisting that it was never said, he was a bold faced liar. We all know that lawyers and politicians lie, but this is a lie that threatens your life. Its much more dangerous than all of his other campaign promises that he is sure to break. And lying about that is unacceptable.

And then Joe Biden, who should certainly know better said:

Mark my words, a terrible threat will come to America to test Barack's mettle, just like Kennedy was tested with the Cuban Missle Crisis. You may not think Barack's response to it is correct at first but bear with us.
WTF!!! What the Fuck!!! Did he think for two seconds on that?
Is this supposed to be comforting, reassuring? Do we need another Cuban Missle Crisis? Is Barack anywhere near as ready as Kennedy was? Will he be talking to the radical terrorists as we see mushroom clouds in the sky over US soil? Do you think the leader of Iran is as easy to reason with as the leader of Russia? Even today's KGB Putin is a pussycat compared to the leader of Iran.

Why? Because Putin doesn't have a death wish, he isn't looking forward to 72 virgins!

Has someone checked the mental health of Joe Biden lately, a heartbeat from the presidency? All his "gaffes" are cause for great concern. As dumb as Bush is, he hasn't even said anything that stupid.

Is all change good?

There's one thing we can agree on, the Democrats will bring change. But will it be good? Would McCain's mettle be tested this way? Not like that it wouldn't. For all the criticism of Palin, has she said anything that dangerous? NO! As I said I have problems with the Republican's too.

But let's be fair, McCain is no Bush and Obama is no Kennedy!!!

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 10/25/08 12:30 PM

Note: Obama's quote has been carefully reviewed from tape and is verbatim.
I haven't reviewed Biden's quote from tape for accuracy yet, please bear with me if I have a minor misquote in this draft as it pertains to Biden's remarks.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Barack Obama the Spammer

If you fill out any political surveys make sure you don't use your main email or phone number. Not because the candidates will abuse it, they won't, except for Barack Obama. His support machine is aggressive and relentless. Once they have your info they will harass you constantly without let up. You will get several emails per day, every day. Your info will be spread throughout all the Barack Obama support structure all over the United States. You will receive phone calls, even on Sunday.

Am I being too sensitive? NO!!! I have sent the same communication to other presidential candidates, to my state and federal legislators. Each of them acknowledged my email with one or two emails in a week time span. Only Barack Obama went into full spam mode, from multiple sources. This must be what the Acorn Voter Registration Victims must be experiencing. I guess I almost understand them signing papers just to make them go away. But they don't go away. So I will need to make them go away, using the same forceful tactics they do.

We have a local Barack Obama campaign office, I will visit them to lodge a formal protest of their harassment of me and let you know the outcome. I encourage you to do the same. Stay Tuned.

Well I haven't gone to Barack Obmama's campaign office yet, I need to work up to dealing with his brainwashed koolaid drinkers. In the mean time I added an email filter to deliver his spam unopened to a spam subfolder so it doesn't vie for my attention from email that I'm expecting.

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 10/23/08 8:30 PM

Another Stolen Election


Two wrongs don't make a right




Pleading Ignorance

Acorn claims that they can't help it if their workers are corrupt and fraudulently registering phony names. Really!?! Do you buy that bullshit? They aren't responsible - period! And as such they should not be allowed to register voters at all.

Disenfranchising Who?

You!!! In an effort to get lazy people to vote for candidates that they wouldn't bother going out of their way to vote for, so that they weren't disenfranchised from a right they cared little about, who is really being disenfranchised? Our Secretary of State justifies her participation in Acorn's fraud by saying that if she released the suspect ballot list to the counties that suspect ballots would have to "wait in line" longer and may become discouraged.

Well I don't know about you, but I am pretty damned discouraged that my legitimate vote could be undone by a fraudulent vote.





Status: Rough Draft - Last Updated 10/19/08

The Mortgage Mess


They're both guilty...

... So just how are they going to fix something that they broke?


That's the conservative republican view. Big bumbling government will likely do more damage than good. Makes some sense, right? Well there is a big assumption, that the free market is free from greed, fraud, and a bail out.

A chicken in every pot and a house for everyone

If a chicken in every pot is good, isn't a house for everyone better? Well I don't think people should be homeless, but can we just loan out any amount of money with no down payment, with no incentive to pay back? If you weren't sure of the answer before, I think the mortgage crash answered that. Is it fair that hard working people who made a down payment are screwed by this mess? According to the redistribution of wealth theory espoused by liberals - Yes!


The investment community has moved to full out greed.

Pleading Ignorance

Does anyone believe that billions (even trillions) were invested in complex derivatives that no one understood? Really!?! Sure they didn't bother with the details, they didn't need to! They understood all they needed to, the government (would stand behind Fannie & Freddie) was on the hook. They didn't need to exercise caution, they didn't need to understand the risks, they had a gullible government on the hook.

Before corrupt lawyers assisted by a corrupt judge stole all my money, I was an active trader, I had invested in options, commodities and derivatives. But no one was going to bail me out, so I took the time to understand them. And that day in Oct 87 when the market crashed and I was on the wrong side of a derivative, a naked call on a basket of stocks, an aggressive investment vehicle. I received a margin call for $25,000 to cover my position over and above the securities I had already pledged. But there was no bail out for me, I worked hard for two weeks to unwind my position, I continued my hard work over the next year in a risky, volatile market to make the loses back.

Who to Bail Out?








Status: Rough Draft - Last Updated 10/19/08

My Political Endorsements

For those of you who know me, who live nearby, you will know what I mean. For those of you who don't live near me, there is some generally applicable advice. For those of you who aren't sure, email me.

Presidential Race

Both major parties are responsible for our current economic problem and the largest corporate welfare package in history. That alone should encourage you to vote for a third party or a write in. If everyone followed their gut rather than the Media Manipulation, neither party would get even 40% of the vote, this would be enough for them to sit up and take notice.

But if you must vote for one of the two media manipulated choices, consider this.

Do you want to vote for a party that believes two wrongs make a right? That the solution to the mortgage mess is to redirect the bail out to Acorn who had a hand in making the mortgage mess? That the solution to the last stolen election is too stuff the ballot box with illegal votes from Jive Turkey, Mickey Mouse, from dead people and children, from kids taking a break from overseas studies who have crammed in a rented house and are voting here because our Secretary of State supports the rigging of our election?

But more importantly did you know we don't have a democratic or republican candidate? The democratic candidate is a socialist who will break his candy for everyone promises or kill the economy trying to keep them. The republican candidate is a centrist, a party maverick who is disliked by his fellow Republicans for having the courage to descent from the party line. Only recently has he had the greater courage to disavow Bush. This man may not be liberal enough for you, but you will still be living in the USA if he wins, not the USSA (United Socialist States of America).

Do you believe in the distribution of wealth fairy tale? Will you still believe it when you are selected to pay for it, when you hit the glass ceiling of average and the more you work, the more you contribute to those less fortunate than you? And when you see those gaming the system at your expense will your benevolent attitudes survive or be soured? Do you seriously believe that higher corporate taxes won't be passed on to you in higher prices or lost jobs?

Do you believe that government is so efficient that they will solve all problems as their grow to consume all that you have? When this expanding government swallows up the middle class and there is only the elite (many in high government posts) and the poor, which side will you be on? Ready to bet your future on 50/50 odds? They aren't that good, it will be 10% elite, 90% poor.

Chief Probate Judge

My judge, the Honorable [SIC] Judge A.J.R. left his three hour per day working schedule at the Domestic Relations Court for greener pastures. It was getting warm there, as the media attention attracted the notice of the State Supreme Court who quickly determined that our Divorce Court was the worst in the state even when compared to similar large caseloads. Is that any wonder? Three hours a day! No one works an 8 hour day in our Divorce Court, the media investigation proved that by analyzing records from secured judicial parking. But that's just the beginning for the corruption, stay tuned as I make the rest of the story public.

Thanks to a complete monopoly on political power in our local government he easily won the primary with his famous name and is running unopposed in the general election. What can you do? Just don't vote for the crook! Oh but you'll be leaving that office blank and he will get in anyway. Yes, but the alternative is for you to endorse a crook. A person who did so much more damage then just stealing $75,000 ($121,000 x 5/8) per year, he wrecked people's lives, not just mine, lot's of honest hard working tax paying citizens. He allowed lawyers, through his inattention, to steal the life savings of the public who pays his salary and expects him to work an honest day for a generous paycheck.

Leave the selection for Chief Probate Judge blank. If he wins with 10% of the voters, it will send a message to him and to potential competitors that his time is up. Remember he will have much broader power in probate court, he can wreck your life now.

Other Judges


Corrupt Officials

A few months ago local politics were shaken by federal dawn raids on the homes of a county commissioner and the county auditor. Just a few weeks ago we had two more dawn residential raids. There will be more.

There was a much easier way for this to be done, IF the feds had any faith in local law enforcement, but they didn't. Rather than issue a subpoena and risk a corrupt local law enforcement tip off, they did it the hard way. A raid is much less efficient. All potential evidence must be taken to prevent destruction and trucked to a warehouse, inventoried, then reviewed to find the info that could simply be gotten by subpoena.

The calculated risk that the feds predicted that our local government officials were so corrupt that they would destroy evidence because local law enforcement would tip them off is a very serious charge of obstruction of justice, the complete breakdown of their duties to the public. It is not good enough to say that most common criminals would act this way as common criminals are not eligible for elective office. This breach of trust is a crime against the electorate, a crime against the people at large. As such it takes on a special importance, demanding special action by each of us.

But what can you do, its the system? Do you really believe you are that helpless or are you just too damn lazy. Have you sent an email up the line or are do you prefer watching reality TV rather than participating in the reality of life? County officials in the ruling party first asked their own endorsed criminals to resign, they refused, so they appealed to the governor to pressure the county officials to resign. So what can you do? Add your voice to theirs!

Stand up and be heard or shut up and don't complain about the criminals screwing you. (jqism)

Will your email to the corrupt officials, their peers, the ruling party bosses, the governor, and your state legislators single handedly solve the problem? No, there is only one guarantee, that your silence will count you as a co-conspirator who gets the corrupt government that your laziness deserves. You don't even have to leave the comfort of your well worn lazy boy recliner, you can send email or scribble a letter while watching reality TV. I'm watching a very technical science program right now as I write these words on my laptop. I don't need reality TV, I have too much of that in my real life.

County Prosecutor

So why don't the feds trust local law enforcement? What does that mean? The county prosecutor is the head law enforcement of the county. He executes subpoenas against county officials and he acts as their lawyer too. Hmmm, a bit of conflict of interest. But there's more, one of the charges is bid rigging. The county prosecutor legally approved the bid rigging, he was charged with being the check and balance to the corrupt commissioner, he failed, he will be the subject of federal investigation as they process the evidence they have seized.

We are a liberal county (high concentration of poor in the urban metro center) in a conservative state. Our county government, including the judges and prosecutor are democrats. So if you are one of the many liberals in our county are you going to re-elect this co-conspirator along party lines? Or does job performance count more than party affiliation? Can we afford "liberal" law enforcement? My answer is NO! Its time for a new prosecutor who can stand up to corrupt officials.

Bid Rigging

As a person who worked nearly two decades in the public sector and had extensive involvement in bids, including being a whistle blower on a bid rigging attempt by my superior, I know something about the seriousness of this. This is a serious charge that was not applied lightly. It is a difficult charge to prove, so to get reasonable cause there must be some blatantly poor behavior.


County Commissioner

One of our commissioner's is under Federal Investigation for various charges including bid rigging, he has refused to resign and he is not up for reelection. Only one of the other two commissioner's is up for re-election. Unlike my judge, a suburban mayor has taken the opportunity to run against the unindicted commissioner who's term is up. She is smearing him with the corruption of his fellow commissioner.

My first impression is that they are all dirty, toss them all out. But I have met this man personally, he is an outspoken person on Father's Rights. I think his work in this area, and his not being indicted by the federal investigators (to date) earns him the benefit of the doubt.

Don't vote for his opposition merely because his fellow commissioner is corrupt, vote for her only if you feel that she is qualified to move from a rich outlying suburb up to county government with all its urban problems of the poor. If you think that's a stretch for her, then compare that with the accomplishments of the incumbent. Remember, he is a relative new comer compared to his entrenched colleagues. He has voted against them. If you want to make an assumption of guilt, its his other more entrenched (yet to be indicted) commissioner that is part of the good ole boy network, not him.

Unopposed Candidates

Don't take the easy way out and ignore the races without opposition. You still have a decision to endorse the candidate with your vote or to condemn them by withholding your vote. Don't check off a box unless you know that they are worthy of your vote.





Status: First Draft - Last Updated 10/19/08 6:40 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Politcal Bullshit

Anyone else saturated with this longest and most irritating season?

I have usually steered clear of pure politics, but its gotten so deep, I'm ready to explode, so I'll throw in my two cents. When I think of it politics plays a big role in this Disastrous Divorce Industry.

How to Vote

We all know how to do this, right? NO, WRONG! We are a nation of arrogant, ignorant, lazy jerks who are hypnotized by TV and what ever it tells us to do. You want to vote for a winner right? You want to vote against a loser, don't you? What the hell ever happened to voting for the best person? When did it become acceptable to voter for the lesser of the evils? Why do you think that voting your true conscience is "throwing your vote away"? Isn't voting for someone you don't believe in the true "throw away"? When there is only one choice, do you just check it, because there isn't any other choice? Don't you have the choice of leaving it blank?

Muzzle the Media

The media is fully engaged in manipulating the elections, just as bad as any third world First they brainwash the suseptable public that you are an arrogant American and you must win, so you must vote for the winner. How will you know? No problem, just listen to the media, they are happy to tell you who to vote for and prevent you from "throwing away your vote" on a loser. Think about that, who is the loser? We all are, by being trapped in a never ending cycle of lies, corruption, and mediocrity.

Sure the early decenters won't win the first election. But they will have voted their conscience and set the ball in motion for others to consider voting their conscience. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. As long as everyone believes the media crap that they only have two choices we are guaranteed to all be losers.

The other disgusting habit is the media's last minute babbling, jockeying for the last word like the last minutes of an ebay auction. If people haven't made up their mind on election day, they should stay home. We don't need the media's last word on election day, telling us who won with 1% of the precincts reporting. There should be a gag order shutting them up at least a day before the election, if not a week, and not saying anything until at least all elections have ended in Hawaii. And even then, do we really need a play by play as if it were a horse race, can't we wait until lets say 50% or even 80% of the vote is in? And since the elections are moving from the polls to the courts its all moot until the court challenges are over.

Another Election Stolen

Liberals will say the election was stolen from Al Gore 8 years ago, they've been moaning and groaning about that for years. So what do they do about that travesty, work very hard to steal it from McCain through Acorn's voter fraud machine. Did no one teach these people that two wrongs don't make a right?

Going to stay up to see who wins? Don't bother, the election will be decided by the court judges that no one voted for or voted for out of ignorance of their record. The election will be decided long after the polls close on Nov 3. And just like 8 years ago, the controversy will not end on inauguration day. Any bets on what tactics the Republican's will use to steal it back again in the next election?

We have no business criticizing others

For decades we've criticized the integrity of other country's election process, most likely with good cause. We've sent delegations of people to observe and critique their processes. When will the third world return the favor and tell us how to properly manage the voting process in a democracy? We are long overdue for it.

My View

How dare I criticize this country, am a communist? No. I love the country that was built 200 years ago, but its gone down hill in the last half century. Why? Because too many people are too busy doing who the hell knows what to give a shit about this country. These quiet lazy ones are the true cause of our downfall, they enable the corrupt power mongers to run over the great principles that founded this once great nation.

Staying silent while corrupt officials manipulate and steal the government from the people is very unpatriotic. To criticize todays governmental travesty and call for the return to the wisdom of the founding fathers is the true mark of patriotism.

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 10/18/08