Saturday, October 18, 2008

Politcal Bullshit

Anyone else saturated with this longest and most irritating season?

I have usually steered clear of pure politics, but its gotten so deep, I'm ready to explode, so I'll throw in my two cents. When I think of it politics plays a big role in this Disastrous Divorce Industry.

How to Vote

We all know how to do this, right? NO, WRONG! We are a nation of arrogant, ignorant, lazy jerks who are hypnotized by TV and what ever it tells us to do. You want to vote for a winner right? You want to vote against a loser, don't you? What the hell ever happened to voting for the best person? When did it become acceptable to voter for the lesser of the evils? Why do you think that voting your true conscience is "throwing your vote away"? Isn't voting for someone you don't believe in the true "throw away"? When there is only one choice, do you just check it, because there isn't any other choice? Don't you have the choice of leaving it blank?

Muzzle the Media

The media is fully engaged in manipulating the elections, just as bad as any third world First they brainwash the suseptable public that you are an arrogant American and you must win, so you must vote for the winner. How will you know? No problem, just listen to the media, they are happy to tell you who to vote for and prevent you from "throwing away your vote" on a loser. Think about that, who is the loser? We all are, by being trapped in a never ending cycle of lies, corruption, and mediocrity.

Sure the early decenters won't win the first election. But they will have voted their conscience and set the ball in motion for others to consider voting their conscience. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. As long as everyone believes the media crap that they only have two choices we are guaranteed to all be losers.

The other disgusting habit is the media's last minute babbling, jockeying for the last word like the last minutes of an ebay auction. If people haven't made up their mind on election day, they should stay home. We don't need the media's last word on election day, telling us who won with 1% of the precincts reporting. There should be a gag order shutting them up at least a day before the election, if not a week, and not saying anything until at least all elections have ended in Hawaii. And even then, do we really need a play by play as if it were a horse race, can't we wait until lets say 50% or even 80% of the vote is in? And since the elections are moving from the polls to the courts its all moot until the court challenges are over.

Another Election Stolen

Liberals will say the election was stolen from Al Gore 8 years ago, they've been moaning and groaning about that for years. So what do they do about that travesty, work very hard to steal it from McCain through Acorn's voter fraud machine. Did no one teach these people that two wrongs don't make a right?

Going to stay up to see who wins? Don't bother, the election will be decided by the court judges that no one voted for or voted for out of ignorance of their record. The election will be decided long after the polls close on Nov 3. And just like 8 years ago, the controversy will not end on inauguration day. Any bets on what tactics the Republican's will use to steal it back again in the next election?

We have no business criticizing others

For decades we've criticized the integrity of other country's election process, most likely with good cause. We've sent delegations of people to observe and critique their processes. When will the third world return the favor and tell us how to properly manage the voting process in a democracy? We are long overdue for it.

My View

How dare I criticize this country, am a communist? No. I love the country that was built 200 years ago, but its gone down hill in the last half century. Why? Because too many people are too busy doing who the hell knows what to give a shit about this country. These quiet lazy ones are the true cause of our downfall, they enable the corrupt power mongers to run over the great principles that founded this once great nation.

Staying silent while corrupt officials manipulate and steal the government from the people is very unpatriotic. To criticize todays governmental travesty and call for the return to the wisdom of the founding fathers is the true mark of patriotism.

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 10/18/08

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