Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ignorant "deadbeat" attacks

The media article I mention earlier was first jumped on by parent's rights groups who personally experience the devastation of the divorce industry. But it was only a matter of time before bleeding heart ignorants would jump on the bandwagon and weigh in with their uninformed views.

The word "deadbeat" as it applies to child support should be stricken from the language until the divorce industry who are the true deadbeats can get their shit together and make the word mean something. The word is applied to all fathers regardless of whether they are registered with the support agency and regardless of whether they truly owe any child support.

How could that be, it doesn't make sense! Now you are catching on.

You probably assume there is some competence in the divorce industry, that's the first mistake. The enforcement agency makes so many mistakes including simple arithmetic that their entire appeals process focuses only on arithmetic errors and is four months backlogged. WTF??? I shit you not!!!

Do a search on the deadbeat label just to see the screwups they've done to me. That's not even a complete list. Feel free to add your own in comments here.

So I whipped off another editorial reply to the uninformed as follows:

Bringing people to church to harass them about child support is not the answer for any town... Stop judges from bypassing CSEA (child support enforcement agency), disbar every single judge and divorce lawyer who does not understand and follow CSEA rules (that would be almost all of them). Stop judges from seizing child support funds and reallocating them to legal fees. My judge reallocated $10,000 held by CSEA to lawyer fees then CSEA labeled me a deadbeat for the judge's decision to steal from my child.

My question to this media station is why don't you dare report the real facts, are you too afraid of the political powers in this town? Sure you are, everyone is!

But the real problem with CSEA is all they do is brow beat those who are registered with them. The real deadbeats fly under their radar and they are never bothered for a penny, while CSEA squeezes the last dime out of honest fathers. CSEA is too lazy to track them down. I know of people who haven't seen a dime for a decade, but that's because CSEA won't bother to enforce against someone who simply ignores them, even when they know where they live.

So for those who would comment [to this media report], try some research in what is really going on, rather than trite generalizations. Spend a day at the court house talking to those sitting in the hallway [like assholes] while the judges and lawyers plunder what little they have. The judicial theft from children far exceeds anything that disagreeing parents would cheat them out of, the real deadbeats have jobs in the courthouse. They work 3 hours a day for over $100,000, they charge over $250 / hour to argue endlessly over trivia with the absent judge's blessing.

So save your uninformed opinions and investigate the facts.

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