Tuesday, March 03, 2009

No Prep, No Problem

It's that time again, I go to court at the end of the week. So I figure it's time to set the agenda. I am Pro Se, so I called the opposing lawyer. I ask what we're going to accomplish at the hearing.

"I don't know, my client hasn't called me. It's just a pre-trial, we'll discuss it there."

Translated: "I don't get paid to prepare for court."
Expected result: "Nothing will get accomplished, but we'll schedule another hearing."

How do these pompous assholes have the balls to call themselves professionals? Do you know any professionals that go to a meeting without an agenda and without preparation? That's a trick question. Irresponsible people who do that are not professionals by definition.

What a waste of money that could go to my son. Maybe four years from now my ex and her slow uptake will admit that, just like she recently did about her first lawyer.

Well I'm not going in unprepared. Never have, never will. As a favorite quote of mine goes - "It's not in my nature". I will file an affidavit with the court stating facts that support my request to restore visitation as no evidence has come forward to continue to justify its being withheld. It was easy really, I just wrote down what we discussed in the last two hearings. Maybe seeing it written down the third time will be a charm. I hope so.

Why don't lawyers prepare? Its a conflict of interest. If they prepare, it will result in efficiency, and that will reduce billable hours, and that is the worst thing a lawyer can do. (jqism)


Unknown said...

Jq I have my fingers and toes crossed for you to get your full visitation back!

JQ75 said...

Thanks so much...

The final pretrial is in 2 months, but I did hear positive news that we could work on a settlement.

Today was nice, we were at the library and I talked my ex into having us go to a maple sugaring park event. Yep we do that down here, of course I'm not too much further south of the border.

My son enjoyed the informational hike through the sugar bush, tasting the dripping sap and the final product. He got a close up view of it being made too.

As a side bonus we stopped for a close up view next to the large international airport, seeing the landing guide lights and low flying planes overhead.

I've been getting unscheduled calls and emails from my son trying to make up for the contact he's been missing.

Unknown said...

Of course he's contacting you your his dad he misses you, she may be able to control the court system but she can't control his feelings!

JQ75 said...

Yes and as he gets older he is more vocal and persistent about seeing me.

Its weird, she wants to control our visits, but then occasionally she gives in and lets me have a long visit.

Maybe someday she'll see the futility in her gamesmanship and allow normal contact.