Saturday, October 06, 2007

Welcome to my Roller Coaster Life

IRL I don't much like roller coasters, maybe its because my life seems like one huge roller coaster...

Last week in just 4 days...
  • For only the second time since she took my son in March of 2005, she was going to allow my son to spend overnight with me. Not at my house but at my brother's to celebrate his birthday. This is huge progress!
  • My son's overnight visit (Sat to Sun) went very well.
  • After my son left I spent some time with just my brother, first time in a long time, we walked the lagoon/lakefront for hours
  • I missed a message on my cell Sun afternoon, in the evening I found it was a fairly serious medical problem with my Father.
  • Monday morning I got Sat's mail to find three serious court actions.
  • The first was stepped up deadbeat dad enforcement after I have paid extra support and had monthly audits the last which said I was at a surplus, I called and raised a big shit, got to the county directors office, all kinds of finger pointing and they say I'm OK. But I'm not - court action is initiated by the State, and when I get called into state court and tell them the county director said it was OK, they say it wasn't in their jurisdiction. The next steps will be a permanent travel ban like a fuckin terrorist and then they will take my driver's license and prevent me from being employed.
  • Number 2 court action is ex parte rulings against me, I am no longer being represented by a lawyer, nor being allowed to represent myself. My ex's lawyer is getting judgments against me without due process.
  • Number 3 court action is a seizure of my public employment retirement account that I have instead of Social Security, without that I will have to work to my fucking dying day which I hope comes so very soon.
  • Then I find out my son is very sick and can't even leave the apt, I had no contact not even by phone on Monday....
  • I felt like shit, how do I get past this... I pushed and pushed myself and decided, I will go to a concert, I'll do something for me. I got dressed in a typical old style California Cool, all black. I was lucky to get a ticket, the mosh pit and seating were full, SRO (standing room only). It was a cool concert, kind of mellow. I enjoyed myself...
  • Got up Tuesday, worn out, a little hung over, and in the mail a fourth court action attempted service, don't even know what it is...
  • Later on that day I had personal misunderstandings that just added to my stress.
  • At least on Wednesday my Father's condition was stable.
The Chinese say may you live in interesting times... My times are too fucking interesting, I am ready to be bored. Or at least climb a mountain and stay there for a while before crashing down at high speed. So after Wednesday did things settle down, did they get tolerable? Fuck no, things are continuing to plummet downward at high speed....

1 comment:

akakarma said...

Hang on JQ- scream if necessary, it helps (in the privacy of your home or on your blog!)