Sunday, December 14, 2008

A bright spot

Our city had a holiday celebration for kids yesterday. I met my son there, then at the magistrates' suggestion we did something fun afterwards. He suggested bowling or a movie. My ex chimed in that my son loves to bowl.

At the holiday party I gave my son a super bouncing ball that looked like a little basketball (that I got while I was downtown for court) and I got him two washers that he needed so he could fix something for his Mom better. He played games, won prizes, saw a magic show and had fun.

Imagine my surprise when I asked so when did you bowl last - about a year. If he likes it so much how come she never takes him to do it? She decided she didn't want to bowl (she's done it a lot more than I) but I did just because I wanted to do something with my son. I think it's been a five or ten years since I bowled. Never bowled much.

Why don't I take him bowling? My visitation (before her recent reduction) was so limited that I only feed him and supervise his homework. I never get him for a whole day, or overnight, or on the weekends. In the summer, I get him after his summer camp, which actually cuts my visitation even shorter (in violation of the visitation order, but my ex gives orders better than following them).

So we did have a lot of fun. I had a strike in each of the first two games, two strikes in a row the third game and five strikes in the fourth game (guess I was warming up). My son's score was keeping close to mine and he got a strike in the last game. She shrieked approvingly, he covered his ears.

The most fun of course was spending time with him...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is she always there when you get to see your son? do you always have to have your joy at seeing your son dampened by seeing her too?