Sunday, December 10, 2006

And now we wait...

My part of Plan B is done, so Plan B is in play. Odds are the one trick pony (my wife's lawyer) will do what she always does, wait till the last minute and go for the full court press (nice basketball pun). We're in trial mode, but no court reporters, so opposing counsel can continue her lies.

But behind the scenes important parties are growing tired of these antics. Her trick has been that I won't concede to her unreasonable demands. She has lied/bluffed that she has no problem allowing me access to my son with the assumption that I will not agree to her demands. Well I can't, I was advised not to because of how bad the terms were; but through some crafty language, some oversights on her part, and with behind the scenes support building, it was brought to a form I did accept (given much lowered expectations). So now her bluff will be called and she will have to justify further delays, not just to me, but to the wider support base that has been built.

The final Phase II Trial date is scheduled for just over a week from now. The judge has quite a reputation for pulling a hard line to force settlement in Phase II before a full Phase III trial is scheduled. I have been warned by several lawyers to expect that this could last up to 16 hours with few breaks, sometimes without a dinner break.

I still have lots of preparation activities. So in just over a week we'll see how the "game" will be played out.

Status: Finalized 12/12 1am


Leigh said...

I tripped over your blog tonight while reading Kate's. I really like what you said to her in her comment. So I couldn't help myself I had to read yours. I will be back.

Hope you had a good weekend. I look forward to reading more.

JQ75 said...

Leigh, thanks, I’ve been a regular at Kate’s & Solaris’ (new and old blogs) as well as Mac’s. They’ve been a help for me and I try to return the favor. As you can see I’ve been through a lot for a while but only started blogging recently.

Thanks for stopping by, come back anytime…

PS: I also have a companion web site with more info on it. The link is on the sidebar.

Karin's Korner said...

I will be praying that the judge does the right thing and lets you spend more time with your son. I don't know shy some mothers try and keep the children away. It is a real tragedy when you have a stand up dad, wanting to be a dad and the bit...I mean the childs mother stands in the way...what a shame.

Anonymous said...

Good luck JQ.

Sounds like things might finally be turning for you.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up. I know you will.
Thinking of you and your situation and hoping that all this ends peacefully as soon as possible!!!!!