Thursday, September 07, 2006

An apology

First big distinction, principles vs. stuff.

I'm all for negotiation on everything but principles. I'm the one who has constantly looked for ways to a mediated solution in our divorce.

I know its not clear, I haven't told you enough details yet, but I've been pushed beyond compromise of stuff.

So if a lawyer is a dung beetle, what does that make me, the client who might sell out his principles from sheer exhaustion?

A prostitute? That's what it feels like, all sleazy and dirty.

I'm too hard on myself. I know, I've stood up better than most. I had to, years from now, when my son asks,
Dad, did you do everything you could, did you fight for me?

Damn straight kid, with every fiber of my being, with every ounce of my strength! It nearly killed me, but you are worth it! You are my son, you know it, I know it, and F--K those who interfered.

That's my principle and damn it I will fight to the death. Without principles we're just animals.

I apologize if the reader will think I'm too hard on them when they've had to compromise their principles. Don't take it personally. I understand the anguish you went through or you may go through in the future. We all have limits.

Let me be very clear, I am not criticizing the victims of this terrible system that attempts to corrupt your principles. I am criticizing, in the strongest way possible, the system that does it to you.

Am I right or wrong? I don't know, I have followed my principles, and that's all I can do.

There's only one real judge, and he isn't in a courthouse wearing a robe, and that's the only judge I care about, the real one, that created me and my son.

Do what ya gotta do, just make sure you decided and some sleazy system didn't force you to violate your principles without your knowledge or protest.

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