Sunday, September 14, 2008

The dynasty took a hit

Somewhere I mentioned that my judge was part of a local political dynasty with a well recognized name. There are over a dozen political officeholders in this county with that famous last name. In fact one woman who had gone by her maiden name professionally actually changed her name to her married name while in the process of divorcing her famously named husband just in time to launch an election. How screwed up is that?

Never underestimate the power of name and brand recognition in this age of sound bytes, when no one has time to hear any more than the 5 seconds the media has decided to push at us repeatedly in surround sound. (jqism)

After our local media exposed the corruption in our Divorce Court, they moved on to other county agencies and guess what, they found more corruption. So media exposure has the State Supreme Court investigating the county Divorce Court, while the FBI and IRS led surprise dawn raids on county officials without involving local law enforcement (they're next, word is the county prosecutor is on borrowed time).

And what else did the media notice... LMAO... Well two of the worst offenders had the same last name, they're brothers, one was my judge.

Well did the public read the paper that day? Did they figure that out for themselves? Has the brand been damaged? One can only hope that the good name is tarnished, that the dynasty crumbles and that people properly associate the word "CORRUPTION" to that name. We will have to wait until November to see.

In the mean time how have these people under investigation reacted to being caught and under the bright light of the media headline story? Have they done the honorable thing and resigned in disgrace, as President Nixon did? Hell no, those morals are of a bygone era. Not only do they remain in office, but they are resisting calls from the local party bosses and even the State Governor calling for their resignation.

And my judge in particular, slippery devil that he is, he ran against a relative unknown in the primary for a different branch of the judiciary and beat them before his name could be fully tarnished. Did the media hold off on their expose? Well in this county our judges are heavily Democratic and no Republican opponents. The Republican party bosses were caught napping, they didn't have a candidate ready to challenge him, so he will run unopposed in November and get his promotion to another branch of the judiciary where he can continue to work his 3 hour days for over $120,000 per year.

Where in the Constitution do we abdicate our control over government to party bosses? What is their purpose? Where does their power originate from?

In the end how big a hit will the dynasty name and brand take? Are we just so tired of hearing about corruption that we've all stuck our heads up our asses and so we don't have to hear it anymore?

I for one, will not conform, I don't care what the polls say, or how big a majority of the public prefers to wear their ass hats, I will call them as I see them, with clear vision, unimpeded by the ass hat style.

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