Friday, September 12, 2008

Ruining Reputations

A parental rights blog I read regularly mentioned that their namesake was going to be confused with them and their "outspoken" reputation.

As if being "outspoken" is a federal offense. Oh I probably shouldn't say that, maybe it will become one.

There are a lot of people, even in my town, that share my name, only one is related, my father.

I hadn't given it much thought but I've impugned them too, since around the court house I'm known as being a "poor litigant with a poor a attitude relating to the court".

Pointing out that I was there to prove I was a good father not a good "litigant" garnered no understanding. I even stated that I had no desire to be a litigant and did not understand how playing the "litigant" games related to my parenting skills. Unfortunately they assumed my literal question was simply rhetorical.

How arrogant of the court to think that I should treat them as well as I treat my own son who I love. What has the court done to earn my love? NOTHING! In fact, their corruption and ineptitude have earned my contempt.

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