Sunday, November 02, 2008

She changed her tune...

"I would bring a life time of experience to the White House, McCain would bring a life time of experience to the White House, Obama would bring a speech from 2002."

-- Hillary Clinton

Of course Hillary changed her tune and her official response to this message being replayed recently is "Why aren't they quoting my current support for Obama."

Well my dear Hillary there are 20 million reasons why!

See when you said this, you were speaking from your gut, back before you lost the primary. But when you lost you had $20 million in campaign debt. OUCH!!! The day after Obama won, you and Bill were pissed!!! But even when you were passed over for VP, your mood lightened and that's because Obama bought your endorsement in return for paying off your debt. You swallowed your pride very well, but then that's a lot of grease you had to help you swallow it.

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