Sunday, November 02, 2008

They called me stupid

As I complained about how the divorce system was treating me, I was told mater of factly, "Well you're stupid!" And by inference they were calling my parents and their whole generation stupid too.

See I was brought up old school - work hard, save, invest, and your efforts will be rewarded.

And for nearly 30 years of my adult life that served me well. Until big government, the big brother that was never born into my family reared its ugly head and got more involved in my life than anyone has a right too.

That's when greedy lawyers with the assistance of a corrupt judge taught me a lesson my parents never did. They stole my hard earned money, my son, my family, my job, possibly my career, everything I had worked so hard for 30 years to build. They have stolen every meaningful part of my life for their own personal enrichment or out of callous disregard for other's personal rights.

Big Government is not the answer to your problems it IS your problem, if not now, someday soon!

Big Government is always bad for civil liberties and democracy.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

What was my stupid mistake? Saving, investing and owning. See if I just spent, rented, and owned nothing, then I would not be a target. I would have empty pockets instead of deep pockets and would not been a target of the divorce industry's lustful desire.

As we move toward our great socialist experiment, where hard work is considered stupid and penalized (as mine was) we will pay dearly for our collective stupidity of believing our forefathers were stupid!

We will move from a ladder of classes where people can hope, dream, and work their way up, to a new class structure as follows:
  • The Super Rich (and powerful)
  • The Government
  • Government dependents gaming the system (the Great Welfare/Socialist masses)
  • Old school middle class who will be crushed and beaten for their "stupidity"
There will be a large chasm between each of these classes. You won't climb a ladder you will attempt to jump and if you miss you will fall into the bottomless abyss that separates them. Most people will be content to sink into reality TV and the welfare masses to escape the miserable reality of their lives living as slaves waiting for their masters in the government to give them their next handout (or beating).

Which class will you belong to? How "stupid" are you?

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 11/03/08

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