Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Who's vote will you cast?

Will it be your own? Or will it be so influenced by other factors that it won't be your own?

Will you buy the media hype, don't throw away your vote, vote for the winner they tell you to? Is voting your mind, even at the risk of your candidate loosing, a waste? Or is voting for the media chosen winner you have reservations about a betrayal of your civic responsibility?

Did you know something about all the candidates and issues you voted on? Did you get info from multiple sources or a biased source? Did you vote for unopposed candidates to fill in the blanks or because they were worthy of your vote?

Did you get discouraged and stay home? Why bother? Maybe your state isn't a bellweather state. Maybe your local board of elections is ruled by partisan politics and is rigged or corrupted (by ACORN).

The purpose of voting is to express your choice, win or lose, popular or not. The only right vote is your own. Not voting, for any reason, or voting for who the media tells you to, or by gender or race, or anything that you don't truly believe in, is wrong.

Do the right thing!

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