Monday, June 11, 2007

Everything bad that happens to a woman....

can be blamed on a man... And I can prove it!

Now I can hear the rally cries for an all out Blog War (Meg, talk to me!). But I assure you I'd rather not, call me provocative, but not gender biased.

First off, general statements by their very nature are incorrect. I'd even have to admit that as many despicable people in the domestic relations system as I have met, that there may some redeeming value in someone or there may exist somewhere an example of someone with acceptable behavior, I've just found it to be rare.

As for gender bias, if I judged women's behavior by my ex's, well let's just say I'd be making a major lifestyle change. And that's not going to happen.

And my opening line, as provocative as it is, is not meant to apply to all women. But I saw something today that stopped me in my tracks. I was in a crowded public building and a woman was walking toward me in the hallway with a man behind her. She tripped over her own feet, almost like you would at a door jam, apparently from scuffling along, rather than lifting her feet to take steps. The floor was flat and free of cracks or any reason to stumble.

Now the typical human behavior action is usually to slow down look backwards as if some gremlin jumped up from the floor and that it wasn't your clumsy self who hadn't learned to walk as an adult. It appeared she started to do that and then a big surprise!

She swung her hefty purse like a horizontal golf swing and hit this guy behind her in the chest.

I stopped in my tracks and said out loud, "Why did you do that he didn't make you trip?" "Yeah, so" she responds, and he stepped up next to and closer to her, apparently he knew her and then he had this odd smile (that is a silent male to male communication) that said, "Hey look, she's a woman, what do you expect?".

No one else seemed to think anything of this blatant public gender assault, but I continued down the hall shaking my head thinking "Damn, if a woman can blame a man for that, she can blame him for anything."


Little Wing said...

Doesn't prove ANYTHING to this girlie.

JQ75 said...

OK LW. It was just a joke, I found it a ironic reminder of gender relations.