Monday, September 10, 2007

Dutch or Date

Last week my son went to the eye doctor and we found out that he, like his parents, is very near sighted. When he was younger his vision was great, but lately he has had complaints and sure enough he needs glasses and will need to wear them all the time. So I went to the doctor with him and his mother, then to an optometrist to pick out frames.

Since it was so late and we were at a place where she likes to take him in a food court (Chinese) we ate together. I picked different food, so I met them at the table. She bought an adult serving and split it with him. He's not a small boy anymore, I've seen him eat adult servings himself. And my ex is no small woman either, lol, well she used to be. That could explain why he's always starving when he's at my place.

So the next week, I meet my son and his mother at the optometrist, every thing was quicker this time. So he was thrilled with his improved vision, looking at everything and happy not to be squinting. I assumed they'd eat there again.

As she headed for the door, I asked, aren't you going to eat here? She asked, "Are you treating?" "Damn, lady we're divorced, why the hell would I treat you to anything but a good swift kick in the ass I'm only suffering your presence to be with my son, jeez, don't flatter yourself bitch. What do ya think, this is a date? No, no, no After divorce its dutch!" I thought...

So after thinking (not saying) that I actually say, "Well I'll treat him". So she turns her back to me, grabs his hand and walks away. I'm standing there like a jackass, dumbfounded. I took a few steps in her direction, then thought WTF am I supposed to do now? Offer to buy her dinner, ask her out? I actually thought about it, not because of her, I'd be happy to never see her again, but just to see my son and talk to him about his new glasses that he was excited about.

Well as I hesitated there thinking, I figure the further away she gets (and they were walking fast), the dumber this is going to look. So I walked away thinkin more fuckin games, 2nd time this week.

So since I was just a few miles from my parents house, I invited them to a nearby restaurant (not the food court). Then I went back to their house for a visit.


Lara Croft said...

Oooooo is she bitter or what!!
LOL why the hell would she even expect you to shout her? I hope your son isnt skinny???

JQ75 said...

Is that what ya call it?

Why did she ask me to buy dinner? Well in perfect manipulation fashion, ya can't get it if you don't ask. And she's not bashful in that regard, she gets all kinds of people doin stuff for her...

He is a little thin... But at least I feed him several days a week.

Unknown said...

The nerve of her! to ask you to buy her dinner, I think she has taken more than enough from you already, in fact from the sounds of it she should be buying you dinner since she (and her lawyer) have your money anyway!!

she's twisted!

Little Wing said...

John that woman has some big balls!

Little Wing said...

I wanted to say "but they don't hang right" ok, I did! heehee

JQ75 said...

Right on target swann...

LW, I accuse my wife's lawyer of having big brass balls, but my ex must be hiding them internally, cuz I never noticed them... lol