Friday, September 07, 2007

One year already...

I was so worked up on my court bullshit that my one year here has come and gone...

I may say more when I get a chance, but let me say some things off the top of my tired head before too much more time slips away.

A very sincere thanks for all the support, a few who have stuck by the entire time, some who have come and gone under different names or Blogs. Many to our northern neighbors in Canada. Some from half way around the world who provided interesting conversation when I should have been sleeping but couldn't. And some who are no longer around.

I can't claim the highest stats, like one of my good friend's mega posts over 100 comments. But I can claim some seriously good quality comments among the 1000+ comments to my 260+ posts which doesn't include the 2000+ emails, most of which came from just a few close friends. Then there are the IRL and silent readers. They comment directly to me. I hadn't realized how many other blogs were feeding traffic, that didn't just look and leave, but kept on looking. Occasionally I will get a note from them too. Thanks to those blogs for directing traffic my way. It's nice to know that in the midst of seeking and receiving help, that I can simultaneously give it too.

Some have chosen anniversaries as an occasion to leave. Some have asked my intentions. No plans for that... I have had periods of sporadic posting, but I have a ton of material to disseminate yet.

I have launched a JQ's Life Blog. Keep an eye on my sidebar that's where new things will show up. I have a photo site. I have redesigned my companion pages with hints of things to come, do let me know if they look OK on your system. I have two technology blogs that will launch sometime when I get around to it.

I have some serious challenges to overcome before the end of the year. If things finally turn out the way they should, next year could be very encouraging...


Lara Croft said...


JQ75 said...

Lara, are you teasin me...