Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Count Down Stopped

The countdown to the big day stopped. By order of the court, Trial Day # 5 has been cancelled, it will be rescheduled at the convenience of the court. It would have been nice if the reason for cancellation was the realization of what the opposition was doing, but unfortunately it was just a coincidence.

Count Down Restarted

Trial Day # 5 has been resceduled for Feb 7th. Expectation is another bust.

I will see what can be done to reduce the costs for this bust while trying to let the judge know what's going on. In true lawyerly restraint (despite the newer post of more cooperation), my lawyer bristled at the suggestion for requesting (moving) the court to show cause with sanctions for opposition counsel being unprepared for trial per County Court Local Rule # nn.

One step at a time. I'll entrench as co-counsel, then I'll let the next foot drop. Let's run this by your boss.

Status - First Draft - Last updated 1/17/06 11:15 pm

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