Saturday, January 27, 2007


After pulling an all night cram session to prepare for settlement talks (which turned out to be overkill), I got several hours sleep, and now it’s time to get going.

I’m not much of a morning person, never have been, so I’ve got to get started. To clear out the head, I start with a well caffeinated tea, Tazo black chia, or Morning Thunder (actually herbal). I never did get into the coffee habit, more of a tea or cola person.

My son learned one of the uses of a putty knife, which caused me to start the shower repair/repaint project, now I use my whirlpool bath. Ahhh, oversized, stretch out my legs, jets going, white noise, clear out the brain.

OK, get my stuff together, an energy drink, what do I have, usually Full Throttle, Red Bull, or Amp. Tunes are already in the car. Gather all the laptop stuff (my hard drive is filling up with this legal crap). Toss all the stuff on my desk into a briefcase.

Let’s see which cases of court files should I take? Screw it, I’ll fax something if needed. Off I go, to his downtown office, worked so long downtown, I can get their on autopilot.

What a bust, it’s like a refresher course. I answer all his questions, point out things he overlooked. I even handled the opponent's last minute faxed in questions.

On one hand, seems like a waste of money. Why can’t he organize this stuff so we don’t have to repeat it. Overbooking. Too many clients, too many delays.

On the bright side, I saved money by him taking my stuff, he seems so clueless on finding this stuff that I’m quite sure it would have cost me a fortunate if he just searched for it himself.

I wonder what else he’s doing inefficiently that costs me a fortune.

Oh, don’t get me started.

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