Saturday, January 06, 2007

My lawyer is excited

All right, a settlement, it’s over, right? No, it’s because the opposition has created a total impasse. That means it will have to go to Phase III litigation, oh boy, he’ll get me on the stand and he’ll show that “f—kin cunt” up. Yup my lawyer used a phrase even nastier than I would ever use in referring to my wife’s lawyer. Don’t believe me? Maybe I should post the wav file.

[Goes to show you how smart my lawyer is, he can't even tell gender, my wife's lawyer may be a woman, but she has the biggest pair of brass balls in the courthouse, except for one firm, see Circles of Hell]

Yep, I live in a state that allows recording when you are a party to a conversation without notification or permission to the other parties. Think of it as very accurate note taking. And when you go through as much as I have, for as long as I have, you have too much crap to remember. Recording it solves the problem. I have the Olympus VN PC series. It connects to a PC by USB and downloads recordings as date/time stamped wav files. I highly recommend it. I have over 800 (2.5 GB of) recordings. I think it might make a nice audio book. Not just words, but the tone etc.

But guess what happened when I brought him back to reality, the goal, the desired results, get this done, for my son, for me. He said, "let me be excited about what kind of bitch she's being". "Now we're gonna start playin our f--kin games". He’s excited, he's having fun? At my expense? With the meter running? I don’t want to play any games. I never did. Stop the ride and let me off. That takes the cake and it’s all recorded.

The topic of this litigation process harassing me came up. My lawyer matter-of-factly said you aren’t being harassed. What? Oh yeah I have creditor threats, process servers, and this is what? Joyful? I used his own argument. I perceive this as harassment and perception is reality (in the courtroom), so I am being harassed, get on the same page. More on this in another post.

I said I need my funds released and he said, then sell the house. First, I can’t sell the house without the court’s permission, second I don’t need to if you let me access my money, third I have to live somewhere, and fourth if I did sell the house, the opposing lawyer would lock up those funds too and I’d be out on the street homeless just like my wife said I deserved to be.

So that was some great legal advice, but it was followed by better advice. Don’t pay your mortgage, then it will put financial pressure on her. Really, I think it will put a foreclosure notice on my front door. No it won’t, he says, Oh yes it will I said. Oh you think you know everything he says. My response was "You don't know what the f--k you're talking about, you didn't have a bank process server come to your home last summer and plaster a notice on your door, I have, so you don't know". He didn't like my outburst. I responded, "Well you are provoking me, you are giving me bad advice. I don't agree that loosing the house is a good idea. I need a solution".

He ends the conversation in total oblivion with, well there is nothing to do but wait for her to put this in writing. To which I counter, oh no, I don’t want to wait, I need access to my funds now. So you come up with a solution.

He says don’t violate any TROs (temporary restraining orders). I said Let me put you on notice right now, I’m not loosing the house over your silly games, So you find a solution.

I listened to the recording very carefully again and I think I found the source of his agitation, if she pulls off her stunt, it could jeopardize me paying his fees. Wow big surprise, the simple answer, it's all about money.

So go ahead pussy lawyer, make my day, and I’ll have the last laugh posting a wav file. Or maybe I’ll email it to the “cunt” so she knows what you really think of her, because I know you are all prim and proper in the court room. Or how about the judge, what would he think of your candid assessment.

Status: Very Rough Draft – will finalize quotes after I replay the wav file. When the draft is final quoted items will be "verbatim" from the recording, bracketed items will be my thoughts, not necessarily my words. Last updated 1/6 7:30 am.

PS: As always, the language is not meant to offend, it is a direct quote from my lawyer, and I can prove it. It is shocking, but it is what really goes on.


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe a lawyer would suggest losing or selling your houose. How much longer can this LEGALLY take...her "putting it in writing??"
This has to end soon. I just do not understand why it is allowed to drag on like this.

JQ75 said...

One day while killing time in the courthouse I struck up a conversation with another person waiting like an ass in the hallway while strangers decide our life in closed chambers, She had been in court for four years and was not done.

JQ75 said...

I doubt anyone would believe it, sometimes I think I dreamt it. But then I can just play the recordings back. Yep, that’s what he said.

In April, the judge will get a bad mark from the State Supreme Court. But that won’t stop him from getting re-elected. I’ve heard he’s one of the better judges.

A judicial candidate in the November 2006 election with a popular name got an absolutely poor rating from everyone (that’s rare because of the diverse rating mechanisms) and she almost got elected because of her popular last name. People should seek out the judicial rating groups and vote responsibly.

Legally it never does end, even with the death of one spouse. After the final decree is issued, the court retains jurisdiction over all the agreements (parenting plan, property settlement, child and spousal support). At any time, either party can make a post-decree motion and restart the litigation. At the death of one spouse the surviving spouse can bring post-decree action against the estate.

So marriage is supposed to last a life time and rarely does, but divorce is only over when both spouses die. Screwed up? Yep !. Another reader sent me a similar experience.

That’s the reality of 21st century family court in the United States. And people call a covenanent marriage kooky, it’s just what it was always supposed to be. What’s kooky is the Family Court System.