Monday, June 18, 2007

Shitty Mood

Some people celebrate their divorce, I guess its because they have their freedom. Three weeks later and I still have nothing to celebrate, so I'm just in a shitty mood. I'm not myself, I'm short fused, humorless, easily offended. I'm sorry.

I need to take a break so badly. Maybe I just need to drop out of Blogland and society until I can accept the shitty fact of life that my divorce will never set me free. I will remain a prisoner of the fucked up court system until my dying breath.
  • All my money (what's left of it) is still locked up, inaccessible to me by order of the court.
  • My lawyers never assisted me in asserting my divorce rights, they remain unrecognized by default.
  • I will have to formally approach every entity in my life and son's life and fight to get them to recognize them.
  • My ex demonstrated her arrogance and power by ignoring my visitation order on Father's Day and doing what was convenient for her.
  • And then she had to call last night and today to agitate.

Don't mind me. Stay at least 100 feet away. I swear I'm gonna fuckin explode and I don't want to take anyone with me.


guttergirl said...

Hey buddy, no need to appologize about being in a shitty mood. We have all been there. You of all people have earned the right to be pissy. The best thing about blogland is that we all understand. If you need to blow, go ahead. We will understand and support that need. That's what blogging is all about. You can say whatever you want and don't have to worry about hurt feelings. We all understand.
Go ahead blow... we will be right behind you.

JQ75 said...

Thanks... I'd rather not be in a shitty mood. But being treated shitty brings that out in me. I need a break and a few victories to get on my feet so I can climb out of this well they tossed me into.

Red Wine and Chocolate said...

Hey JQ, Mama J here. I'm so sorry that it's been so hard for you. It's just not right that people are allowed to play games with children like this.

NOW for some news that may cheer you up. My friend called me today to tell me that her brother won preliminary primary custody of his very young child. This is something his controlling, emotionally abusive STBX has held over his head for years that if he ever left she would ensure that he would never see his kid again.

Nope. Didn't happen. She looked like a raging lunatic in court with all the unsubstantiated garbage in her brief.

For the record,he does not want full custody, but she was trying her darndest with some very ugly allegations to keep him away at all costs. Totally backfired.

He knows that this is only the beginning and she is not one negotiate or even call truce for BIC because it not about the child it's about her ability to control the situation.

However, a tentative score for the childs right to equal time with their father :)

Oh and I almost forgot.....I called MY brother to wish him a happy fathers day and was informed my teenage niece has had enough of her mothers drama and offically moved in my brother (her dad) last week.

I know you worry about PAS, but kids are not only resilient, they are smart. You keep doing what you are doing. It may not feel like headway is being made and the next several years are going to be hard. Someday your ex will have to answer to your son for what she has done. I speak from experience when I tell you, their relationship may never recover and yours and his will get stronger.

Take care JQ, You've been in my thoughts. Hang tough for your kid he deserves much more than the time you are allowed to give him.

JQ75 said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by. Yeah, its going to take time. I knew it would, but everyone said oh it will be so much better at final decree. But that's only if the final decree changes something for me. I still have much of the bullshit, I just don't have to go and sit in the court halls all day like an asshole. Yeah that's nice, but it doesn't fix the broken things, it doesn't get me what the decree says I should have.

It is encouraging to see progress made, but it is soooo slooow. My ex was similar, she terrorized me with the threat that she was going to leave with my son and I was never going to see him again. Well she did leave with him, but after two years she hasn't stopped me. Severely limited for no reason though. This is where the courts should recognize the game and say give the other sole custody.

These people who don't know BIC, should be ordered to therapy.

If my situation gets any worse, that's what I will shoot for. She can have a very liberal visitation, over 50% if she wants, I just want her abusive control removed and more than 10%.

My wife got the jump on me and they accepted her unsubstantiated crap, then the abuse, last minute denials, harassing me all the time, every where, so I got pissed and then I was labeled the "poor litigant".

Yeah my son will figure it out, she'll have regrets, but so much important time, energy, and money wasted on bullshit. And the people getting rich on this misery deserve a special spot in hell.

Hope things work out for your relatives and tell them never to drop their guard the system will eat them up in a heartbeat.