Thursday, November 23, 2006

Child Support to the Dead

Many of you have talked about how unbelievable certain situations are. It amazes me when I find situations that are even worse. But it offers no solace that my situation isn't the worst, it makes me disgusted that this system is allowed to exist.

Would you believe that if your ex-wife dies and you have the children full time that you still continue paying support to your dead ex and pay a lawyer and wait to get a court date before you can stop paying? Sound nuts? It is !

Well check this out...
The Angry Dad: Paying a dead ex-wife
From: Ohio news

Chances are the money will not be refunded and will go to her estate and her benefactors which are not likely to be her ex or even her minor children. Probably she has no will at that young age and it will be consumed in probate.

I heard a similar story of a wife who was arrested & jailed for drugs, the ex had the kids, kept getting support taken out of his pay and had to pay a lawyer to get it fixed.

This is certainly a system gone mad. Oh, just stop paying you might suggest. Ah but then the enforcement kicks in, seized funds, lost driver's license, etc.

A Loose-Loose-Loose proposition.

This system is broken. It must be fixed, ASAP!

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