Saturday, November 18, 2006


Faxed my lawyer my concerns over latest draft & called him. You want me to read this or is it a rant. Well I'm not in a habit of sending you things I don't want you to read, believe me I have other outlets for a ranting and that's lucky for you.

Well we've discussed this before, there's no room for negotiation. Well I think siting a revised code section on terminating the agreement under a heading labeled modification when there is another heading labeled good faith is the height of hypocrisy. He tried to respond but he mispronounced, choked up on some form of the word hypocrite.

Imagine that, a lawyer who can't spit out the word hypocrite. I wonder why?

Well on Tuesday you're either going to sign the damn thing or litigate (another $100K for phase III full trial). One or the other before you leave.

Well I missed two calls on my cell phone and I could tell they were from my wife. Her ringtone is "Don't Phunk with my Heart" by the "Blackeyed Peas". I glanced at the clock, it was almost time for my son to get out of school.

So here's my wife trying to reach me, I'm figuring there's some problem picking him up, and my lawyer giving me her crap on the other line.

I was pissed. I said "I don't like ultimatums" and I hung up, and called my wife.

You know what she wanted? To tell me she forgot some plans she had for our son, so he'd be to my place two hours later on my decade birthday.

Wow, good faith. Can't even behave until I sign the damn slanted agreement.

When my lawyer called back, I told him what she wanted. I told him for the last 40 years she's done what she wanted and she'll do it for the next 40 years, so this piece of paper isn't good for anything more than ass wipe.

I'm loosing my patience. It's not right for my son and everyone knows it, but they have their head so far up their ass, playing their game the way they always do.

Wrecking lives and moving on.

Check the comments, I may post more.


Anonymous said...

why is your divorce being soooo dragged out??? My goodness, never have I seen such respite - except maybe on death row.

JQ75 said...

Well my time in court is still short of two years so technically it’s right on track. I live in the largest metropolitan area in the state and the caseload is heavy. Since her lawyer has never offered nor responded to a settlement offer, the divorce has been labeled as contested. The court guidelines are 1 year without children, 2 years with children. Some more complex cases will go past court guidelines.

Hearings are rarely scheduled closer than a month apart. The divorce process starts with temporary orders, settlement attempts, custody, property division, and support. So five different areas, several hearings, each, times that many months, it quickly adds up.

If you have a lawyer trying to milk the case, drag it on, bring in experts, custody evaluator, Guardian, etc, then it goes on even further. If this lawyer has a high representation, they get away with it.

The only time a divorce gets done in less than six months here is if someone goes in with all three areas agreed on (uncontested). One of my divorce support friends has been at this as long as me. In a search of public records I found a case that’s six months longer than mine with seven defendants, my case has six defendants (myself, my son, and four other parties). Talking to someone in the court hallway who has a family business, they have been at it for four years.

Time flies even when you’re not having fun. Your analogy to death role is rather uncanny, it certainly feels that way at times.