Saturday, November 25, 2006

Won't budge

As I introduced in my "I'm in Shock" post earlier this week. Opposing counsel tried to pull a last minute sabotage.

Well I got word Friday morning, she's not budging, her big brass balls are intact. In fact she even figured a nice lie on how to sell her sabotage.

OK, bitch, now I'm pullin out the stops. Plan A + B.

So talking to my lawyer Friday afternoon, he guessed part of Plan B, he's pretty smart (as lawyers go) that's why he isn't fired. Bring in the senior partners, throw the whole firm behind this.

That will be the unexpected curve ball that the one trick pony will be challenged by.

Ah, but even the senior partner was surprised and impressed as I laid out the rest of Plan B. We'll be adding some heat to that curve ball.

There are no guarantees, I know. But this effort will not have failed for lack of principles or by playing someone else's rigged game.

PS: No offense meant to females in general by my language, just the two involved.


Determined said...

Why such a nasty divorce? You guys are having a "made for TV and movies" type of divorce.

Why don't you call her and just ask her to stop (but in a nice way)?

Anonymous said...

Oh if life were only that simple, Solarisgal!

JQ75, go get them, Tiger! It sounds like Plan B is going to be awesome! Best of luck!!!!


JQ75 said...

Reasonable question for reasonable people, but both need to be reasonable…

Well the short answer is talking to my wife after she has made up her mind falls on deaf ears. Here’s a simple example:

Our current parenting plan requires make up time if visitation is cancelled through no fault of my own. I was called to jury duty and asked for makeup time. This idea was actually requested and pushed by the Guardian who realizes that my visitation is below state minimum standards.

So on my son’s four day weekend, how much time did she give me? – 3 hours. I asked nicely to have him longer on just one of the four days. Her answer in her usual crappy tone was “three hours is enough”. That’s for the holiday and to make up 12 hours for jury duty. Havin trouble with the math? Well it never was her strong subject.

She doesn’t want binding mediation, because when she’s wrong, it will be quick and cheap to get a decision. Without mediation, she’ll simply violate the court order, as she does now, and I’ll either swallow the shit or I’ll have to drag her ass back into court. And until I can get the Pro Se restriction lifted, I’ll have to pay for a lawyer.

I’ll add more to this in a future comment.

JQ75 said...

As if deaf ears were not bad enough, every thing out of her mouth is a lie. I listen anyway, her words are a very accurate contra-indication of what I can expect.

Here are some of her gems:

* We’ll have the best divorce ever
* We’ll be even better friends after divorce
* You’ll see even more of our son after divorce
* We’ll have a weekly “family” dinner
* We may even have a “family” vacation
* Her Lawyer told the court she wants me to have 50/50 custody (so what’s stopping her)

Put a great big NOT after each one and she’s batting 1000.

I’ll add even more to this in a future comment.

Anonymous said...

It seems like she is trying to punish you or make you pay for your marriage not working out??
She is viscious for sure.
Keep your chin up!!

JQ75 said...

Thanks L.A.D. and Mac.

Yeah, she's definitely vengeful. She's the youngest and only girl in her family, so I think there's a bit of spoiled - can do no wrong spirit.

She only heard half of the "for better or worse" vow. We had some challenges between my startup and the next job. But they were overcome, without tremendous sacrifice (high wages at startup held us over). Some would say, that could have turned out bad but all is well, others are first in line to get off the ship. I married the latter (without knowing it).