Monday, November 06, 2006

First Order of Business

Well, it's important to make sure we act "in the best interest of the child" (ITBIOTC or BIoC). I wish they'd use an acroynm, they say it so often it's like reciting your ABCs with that special single letter "LMNOP". So what did the Guardian propose BIoC? Well let's seize 11 months of child support - 8 for the lawyer, 3 for my son - BIoC of course.

When my son gets a little older, looks up these orders on the net and says "Dad, BIoC, that's BS". I'll have to say, yeah, even my lawyer knew that, if you'd like, we can take court action, I'd be glad to help you draft your civil complaint. It'll be a great father & son project for his social studies class. But I'll wait until he gets the class assignment or curious to look it up himself.

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