Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm in shock

I was pissed going in...

Then I get the first surprise, a bunch of updates from the opposition. OK, I get through them, PITA (pain in the ass). I just wonder why you didn't give them to me en masse instead of going page by page. Half the time it seemed like I was helping him write the wording.

But he saved the "best" for last. My lawyer says, Oh they want to make some other changes I don't agree with.
  • Completely remove the binding nature of the mediation.
  • Have all mediation costs go to me.
Well non-binding mediation only works with those who are reasonable. Binding mediation would be quick, cheap, and not likely to be overturned in court. The fee structure was fair.

So I ask ---- WTF ?

That completely defeats the whole purpose. That takes us back to square one. What's the story? He asks, Well is that a deal breaker for you? WTF again! I ask, What do you think? Well I want to be sure we're on the same page. Well I want to know what kind of bulls--t stunt this is and what makes her think she can get away with it.

Well more things were said, but this strategy must remain completely confidential. I don't want the problems that SolarisGal or Shattered had with the opposition reading their Blog. I can't risk that the pit-bull bitch getting any wind of the f--kin atomic bomb we have planned for her and her big brass balls. In fact I even have a plan B, I've been workin on that I won't even share with my own lawyer. When the plan goes public, I'll post it here, but it shows just how terrible this system is.

After that blow, I got home. I had three court documents in my mailbox. My f--kin mailbox, I so hate to look at my mail, or my driveway to see if the sheriff is there serving another helping of my wife's harassment. I don't answer my phone until I check caller ID, unknown caller never gets answered. I don't answer my door until I look out the window to see who's in the driveway. One time the bitch served me while my son was over, wasn't that exciting.

My son's coming today, throw the court documents in a drawer, unopened.

One time my wife's lawyer tried to get an order to forcibly enter my home to seize documents. She proceeded as if the order was granted, it wasn't. I have an order baring litigants from "entering upon lands". I have it posted on my garage, By Order of the County Court Vol nnnn Page nnnn.

In the mean time, will an initial bluff work, waiting for the battle cry, waiting for the bomb to drop, I am in a self protective shock. The calm before the storm. Will it work, will it be finished? Can't ruminate, can't worry, have faith, have strength, be ready, be strong, God help me, please.

When I got home Tue afternoon, I only had 30 minutes to quiet my mind, before my son would get off the bus. Push all the shit out, switch gears. OK, I'm ready, go next door where his bus stops.

My son shows me his Turkey project from school. Get his homework out of the way, he was cooperative today, he knows it, he breezed right through it. He was still in school mode, making up quizzes for me. Some drawing, playing with a digital camera. He's getting over a cold, we stayed in, talked to him about the differences in throwing a football with "spiral" pass. Dinner and it's almost time to go.

After he left, it caught up with me, just collapsed, fell asleep for 3 hours. Woke up, needed to do some shopping. This process has all the stress of a heavy workout with none of the benefits.

Status: First Draft


Anonymous said...

I am not sure what to say. I'm not hollywood could write a worse divorce.

It is unimaginable the crap you are going through.

They get to change anything anytime they want. You have to agree no matter what it says!!

Non binding and you pay. WTF is RIGHT. What is the point of going if it would be non binding. They would just change it any way they want.

As always good luck. Even if you haven't had much recently.

JQ75 said...

Well, like I said in another post, lawyers just want to f--k with you. I've just got to think this one is going to get noticed.

This is a blatant ploy by her lawyer to stay in control. To keep the shit slinging going. But in binding mediation, there is fact finding, decision and closure. It's goal is to solve, to heal, to find common ground not opposite ground.

In a nutshell those differences are the very root of the evil of today's divorce process. It preys on the parties rather than heals them.

Her lawyer is old school. She measures her success by how much shit she can sling, how much pain she can inflict, how long she can prolog, how much she can bill and how far over the line she can step without getting caught.

Now here's the rub, she is like a runner taking a huge lead off the base. Watch out bitch, I think you're too old to get back to base safely before getting tagged.

Thanks for the good luck, it's got to turn around sometime.