Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dear Pussy

You may have missed my placeholder post Deadbeat by Design which has now been updated. As if that post was not bad enough, it gets even goofier. What follows is a (verbatim) letter I just sent to my lawyer:
From: [JQ]
To: [my lawyer]
Subject: Child Support

I received a child support statement today saying that child support is current.

1) I have repeatedly asked you to determine what the Guardian is doing regarding distribution of the $7,000 released in December for my child support obligations.

2) I have also asked for an accounting on how these funds are being distributed.

3) Why has opposition counsel made motions to show cause and for fees when child support is current according to the enforcement agency? I expect a motion for sanctions and fees regarding opposing counsel's abuse.

4) Why am I the only one who doesn't know where my child support money is going? Why has my son consistently received less than half the funds?

I expect an answer to each and every question via email at the end of day Monday 3/5.

The Guardian's continued act of ignoring the welfare of my child while entertaining my wife's never ending untreated phobias is unacceptable and irresponsible. I would like to move for her dismissal as soon as possible with a date certain independent of this never ending litigation.

I will personally file a grievance, as is my right, with the state enforcement agency regarding the Guardian's misconduct with child support funds. I will continue to take personal actions, as is my right, until I achieve satisfaction in these matters.

I am quite tired of repeating myself.
I am even more tired of being billed for my repeatedly unaddressed questions.

I had a conference call scheduled for Sat morning to review the proposed property settlement.

So how did the pussy react to this email?

I think he just skimmed through it, and he was all stuffy with allergies, so that took some of the fight out of him. He started to get cranky about these issues and I shut him down saying look I have nothing from the Guardian or you and I do have something from the enforcement agency showing only the current balance, no notice of arrearage. He just got a fax from the Guardian and said he didn't understand it. I told him that if he didn't understand it and he's been talking to her and he has the fax, then how am I supposed to understand it when I have nothing?

He said it didn't matter, the motion wouldn't be heard, no action would be taken. Well no court action, but the enforcement agency will continue with enforcement actions unless the court stops them. It's like the lawyer doesn't even know or care how the system really operates (choice of words, can't say that it "works").

Then I cornered him with my understanding that he was to get an order regarding over withholding of child support. He admitted that, oh no, I just said you shouldn't pay it, it is still an obligation until the final decree. I asked, then did the Guardian tell you that funds were running out. Yes he admitted. So he knew that this would happen. And in the BIC I should leave my son unsupported because they want to hold my assets for lawyers fees. Even though it now appears that the Guardian took more than half of the $7000, there should have been enough for 5 months. So why should it have run out already? Unless more was taken.

So I hope he understands from the email that his name will be added to the state enforcement agency's grievance.

Oh how about this exchange regarding the above items:
Lawyer: I'd wish you'd stop arguing with me.
Me: Well, maybe if you were right more often I wouldn't need to.
Lawyer: What ! What did you say ?
Me: I said nothing, thought "pussy" !
So much for restraint. But the truth is the truth. No body spares me.

Status: Second Draft, Updated 03/03/07 11:50 am

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