Monday, February 26, 2007

Deadbeat by Design

Not by my design. I've been falsely accused of being a deadbeat from the beginning of this case through one or another act of total incompetence. I have always paid child support and even paid it in advance and at a higher rate than I should. So how can I be accused?
"Cuz they can !"
"Don't worry about it."
"It will cost more to correct it than to just pay what ever they ask."
I'm giving you these answers for free, they cost me over a grand.

The first time, two years ago was when the enforcement agency decided to pick their own retroactive date to begin the support order, rather than the date included in the order.

Last year it was her hired bitch that designed the DBbD. The enforcement agency couldn't quote me an actual amount to recover from their screw up until the end of the year when they decided to seize 2.5 years worth of child support. Why? Cuz they could ! This caused an audit and they found I owed less than one month of the 30 months held. I signed an AJE to have the funds released to my son.

For six months my wife refused to sign the AJE and my son went without any child support. I guess she didn't need it. Or she thought playing games was better than getting support for my son. Maybe she even knew enforcement actions would be taken.

My wife's hired bitch strings out various delaying actions for six months, now the enforcement agency takes action against me even though they have the money because they can't access the money without my wife's permission who refuses to give it. Six months of BS, and legal bills. I solved it in 30 minutes. Why? Because I caught the bitch lying and told the judge so and had the evidence to prove it.

This year it was my lawyers stupidity and stubbornness that has officially labeled me DBbD once again. It seems that my lawyer thought he could put pressure on my wife by leaving the child support issue and how I could stay solvent to be left unaddressed. He then apparently allowed the Guardian to take 10 months worth of funds that were earmarked for child support and apply it to her fees rather than my son's child support without my knowledge or authorization. The Guardian was responsible for releasing the support funds, stopped doing it and never said a word.
Does this sound f--kin nuts?
Does this sound like malpractice?
Well that's because it is !
I must hold the record for paying the most of any DBbD there is.
  • 2.5 years in escrow held in advance
  • Child support = mortgage payment for one child
  • Child support payed, mortgage not paid
  • Just received foreclosure notice, that's another post - FCbD
Status: First Draft - Updated 03/03/07 7 am

DBbD = Deadbeat by Design
FCbD = Foreclosure by Design

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