Saturday, October 28, 2006

Damn Bug V2

Whoa, even worse than I thought. Apparently there are some very serious publishing problems in Classic Blogger that have been around for weeks but got much more severe last night. Over 100 Blogs stopped publishing last night.

Like my new look... I don't !

Whoa, Wow, Lucky Me, I think it's fixed

People have been debating which browser to use. It doesn't seem to make a difference. I try to avoid MicroSoft for a variety of reasons, so I usually use FireFox.

I have found that saving as a draft, waiting, then publishing seems to work. But there are so many problems that it almost seems like VooDoo.

Commenting seems to work, but sometimes the comment counter isn't updated. So if the "Blogger Gods" (just a little sarcasim for these wimps who'd die if they had to support a REAL system) frown on me again, I'll make updates there.

It seems that a migration to Blogger Beta will be required. Blogger support is not responding at all. In preparation for this, I will be backing up the entire Blog.

One method is to use FireFox with the Scrapbook Add-on. It can backup pages, including a depth level. However, watch your Blogroll or other links. You can hit pause and uncheck unrelated items, or you can click filters and limit the domain.

Scrapbook also has a DOM editor to remove the gimped up HTML objects, before saving.

Another method is to use the DownThemAll FireFox add-on.

If push comes to shove, I'll have to publish Oct on my companion web site, causing the permalinks to break. I'll try to fix that up with a new permalink cross reference pointing to my companion web site.

I'm sorry for the inconvence caused by Blogger's poor support. Thank you for your readership and support and I'll do my best to fix it up.

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