Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's only by luck

I'll put this draft post up in case you didn't notice the comment...

I was lucky, and make no mistake it was merely luck, not skill, not predicable, not repeatable, just luck, or maybe it was divine intervention...

After being quite clear that my son wasn't going to get to go back to the carnival not even with Daddy (and him paying too). I was pleasantly surprised to get a call Sunday morning asking if I wanted to take my son to the carnival right now! Oh life as an NCP leaves no room for advance scheduling, its part of the control games my wife likes to play to fuck with me. She's doing a lot more fucking now than during the marriage, that's for sure! Ah, but I digress out of frustration no doubt.

So she's behind in her work and just got out of church (hence the potential for divine inspiration), since she left our faith, I don't know what the reading or sermon was about. I had to slow her down a bit, it's Sunday, "Are the hours the same today, are they open yet?" They weren't, so we met at the entrance just after they opened. She was only going to let him be there for two hours, I haggled and got it to three.

So we had a good time... I have some photos - public and private. I'll try to finish this post up soon.

I try very hard to enjoy the time I have with my son and overlook the bullshit games, but the stench is always present and always offensive and I just can't help calling a turd a turd. It's irritating, its unfair, and it needs to change. I will not be free and not consider the system just until the system is reformed as it should be and NCPs are no more, until a child is always entitled to both their parents (on equal footing) who just don't happen to be living together anymore. Not until, my son stops asking "Is Mommy the boss of both of us Daddy?"


guttergirl said...

I am glad you got to spend some time with the little man at the carnival.

Little Wing said...

"Is Mommy the boss of both of us Daddy?"
Wow John, that has to be painful.

JQ75 said...

Thanks GG...me too...

Yeah LW, and I can't even say it isn't true, because it is. The courts decided it. Doesn't that one sentence speak volumes?

But worse I think it gives him a skewed and dysfunctional self worth. Not that I'm some macho men rule person, but it just doesn't seem healthy and I don't think it will serve him well as he grows up.

I brought this up to custody evaluators, guardians, social workers, etc. All falling on deaf ears.

I'd settle for sexual equality, but I don't want my son growing up with a gender inferiority (mamma's boy, apron strings) personality. It will not serve him well in life. Another example of how the system is damaging the next generation.