Saturday, July 07, 2007

SOS Live Earth

My politics aren't defined along political party lines, I make up own mind. We aren't likely to turn the clock backwards and get rid of modern conveniences, but irresponsible statements like one recently from the director of NASA pretending that "we can't be sure that more CO2 would really cause harm, climates change" are just ridiculous.

Oddly I hadn't noticed tons of hype that one would expect for an undertaking as large as the Live Earth event. As someone who appreciates music, I enjoyed it (I TIVOed it in its entirety). if you missed it, musicians from around the world held concerts on 7 continents for 22 hours to address global warming. Al Gore was a major mover behind this event, so it has been labeled as liberal and politicized. So naturally conservatives need to criticize it, implying that the whole event has had a negative impact on the earth, although I doubt that there could be a more effective way to reach possibly 2 billion people across the entire Earth.

So then the news media who like to antagonize to sell news implied that Al Gore should run for president, I have to laugh at that idea, even the president can't mobilize 2 billion people in one day. He's a bigger threat to the entrenched status quo now as an activist than being in politics. Its a great example of what a small group of determined people can do.

It is a hopeful message, it is a reminder of the founding father's intent, we the people are to run the government, all we must do is act.

For more info on Climate Change:
Live Earth Website -
Wiki on Live Earth -
Alliance for Climate Protection -
It used to be called Global Warming, so some politicians needed to change the name. It is a lot simpler to use semantics than corrective actions. This political slight of hand is often practiced in family law too.

It is an interesting lesson on the entrenched status quo, resistance to change, even if it would endanger the planet. Now that's a serious spectacle to observe. Being conservative does not require resisting change at all costs.

Melisa Etherage wrote a song for the event asking where had the American spirit gone, the spirit that questions injustice, that exercises its freedom, have they become too busy to care?

I couldn't help but notice that this attitude isn't limited to the global warming issue, it is pervasive. Our government is running on autopilot. The politicians and special interests are being allowed to run things due to the negligence of the public. Our founding fathers provided so many avenues for public participation in government at a time when people were less educated than today, why? Because freedom isn't free. It requires active, informed, participation.

Can we be too busy to be sure we remain free? Well we are. And we are loosing freedoms because of it. The abuses I describe in this Blog could be stopped by a judge. What do most people know about a judge? We had a terrible candidate almost win because of name recognition. These judges decide our fate.

What would you do if you were in front of a judge who was going to have a major impact on your life, like I was, and you knew how poorly the public exercises its responsibility to select qualified candidates? Well you'd know how I feel.

Get involved, be informed, before you are affected by a government on autopilot.

Maybe we need a "Live
Family " or "Live Together" or "Live Free" event ! ! !


Lara said...

Once again the mighty dollar is more important to pollies than the health of our planet

Little Wing said...

Excellent post John!

guttergirl said...

Loved your post. I even stole a line from it.