Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Life alone can be dangerous

I've been thinking about this topic for some time, since my wife left with my son, I'm living alone, and there can be some new dangers to consider. Another Blogger faced the ultimate in dangers, choking. See the details on his Blog at Danger of Living Alone.

Luckily Bryan came through OK. Later he found this article on performing Heimlich on yourself. Very good to know in case of emergency. His readers mentioned having backup plans.

Living with a family for some time and then suddenly living alone you are adjusting to a variety of things and may miss some of these high risk but not often thought about consequences. Bryan probably encountered the most dangerous risk in living alone, because without being able to speak, and unable to breathe, even 911 would be of little help.

But you need to consider all aspects of your life, even little things like locking yourself out of the house can become a bothersome inconvenience. A simple solution may be to let a neighbor have a key or buy the type of lockbox used by Realtors. Having neighbors phone numbers in your cell phone is probably a good idea too. Oh yeah, a cell phone that you always carry and keep charged, so you can call for help, since no one is going to notice you're late for some time.

I wanted to get this post out because of Bryan's high risk problem and his important solution. I'd like to offer a bunch more tips in the future. Feel free to leave your comments here for solo living risks and what you've done about them.

1 comment:

Little Wing said...

Bryans experiance was indeed frightening.
I have since learned the method!
Good post John!