Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wanna Bet?

So I’ll be up late getting all this shit together for the hired bitch. Want to take a sucker bet? Do you think she’ll be satisfied? Hell no ! The bitch will think of something or she’ll find a missing line or she’ll have a question. Better yet, she already thought of it and left it out of her list, so that if I get it all, she can come up with one more.

Paranoid? Nope, she's done it several times. It took me a while, but I got lawyers notes and dated coorespondence showing that. It's one of her dirty tricks. Not really a trick to screw somebody is it? She can't win fair and square, only with dirty tricks. People respect her because her nasty tricks are so effective. The lawyer bitch will get no respect from me. It takes no brains, no particular skill, to screw the same way over and over again. Animals do it, cockroaches do it and my wife's hired bitch lawyer does it. I find no decernable differences.

And even if she is pleased with all the shit. We’re talking old shit, back 15 years, my broker's main NY office can only go back 10 years (another post, how long should you keep stuff – forever). There is one item she’s not giving up on. Guess what?

The lawyer bitch thinks I should pay her over $30,000 for harassing me. And she’s taking that all the way to a Phase 3 Trial.

Now I’ve been called a lot of things and maybe I take abuse. But this is a level of severe masochism that I would never sign up for.

Can ya believe that? It just keeps on getting better.

And after that big bad day, I'll try to spend my limited quality time with my son, unless they feel like harrassing me some more.

F--k it, at 3:30 am I need some sleep before I get uo at 7:30...


Determined said...

wow, that level of abuse is so uncalled for. I can see how anyone can turn criminal after going through this experience.

JQ75 said...

This stuff still amazes me, I can hardly believe it myself, it’s like I see and hear this crap and I’m thinking this must be a very bad dream, I’ll wake up soon. Then I read the letters, court documents etc. Nope, no dream, I’m really getting screwed this badly. Yup, I complained, Yup, someone promised to fix it, Yup I got billed for them to fix it, Nope it’s still not fixed.

The system truly is broke beyond repair and needs to be completely destroyed and rebuilt.

For readers of this post. Yup, she was not satisfied. She did think of another delay. Part of the delay was asking for 15 year old documents.

Then she pulled out a letter from my wife from Sept 2006 that I never saw, until this hearing, asking for things she believes are still in the house and demanding the ability to “enter upon lands” and “seize items on her property list or any documents”.

This is the threat my lawyer told me not to worry about, it won’t happen. Well it did last year and she’s making a valiant effort again.

There were three hearings before this that she had this Sept 2006 letter and she never brought it up until this 5th Trial Date. Why? Delay = Money !

And sure enough there is another scheduled.

As you say, this would be enough to make anyone go criminal. Or maybe cause undue stress exhibiting anxiety, depression, and fear (which could be perceived as “crazy”). Maybe the sheer stress will make someone physically ill, disturbed sleep, nauseated, etc. It certainly is agitating and would leave anyone irritable.

And their expectation level? They won’t even tolerate irritable. You are supposed to be an emotionless puppet who dances when they say and take all this abuse without a peep.

And that’s how they maintain the system, through intimidation. Don’t do this or that it will hurt your case.

And acting like a puppet helps? No, that doesn’t help either.

PS: That’s another post idea, to develop this further. There is a spectrum from manipulator to effective to puppet to irritated to crazy to criminal. And then there is where you are on the scale and where you are perceived to be by the court. Some of that can be opposition’s portrayal without your counsel effectively overcoming an inaccurate portrayal.