Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine’s Day

Really, sincerely! Who cares if your lover doesn’t love you anymore or if they “love you but aren’t in love with you”. That line is such a load of BS. They are the ones loosing out.

Remember, you are lovable. God loves you, unconditionally, you should love yourself and take care of yourself. You have so many people in your life who love or care about you to some extent. People you may not even notice, walk by, exchange pleasantries. They’d miss you, your smile, your hello, as you’d miss theirs.

So lift up your head high. Celebrate love. Push any failed love from your mind and think of those that are alive and well. Be with people you love, do something you love, pray to the creator you love.

I wish you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day.


mt_detroit said...

thanks for the kind thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you so much for reminding us all of these very important things.
May you receive love in abundance and the strength to keep on fighting your court battles, and may the bird of paradise crap all over your ex. :)

Happy Heart day!

guttergirl said...

Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day! *hugs and kisses*.