Friday, February 16, 2007

Sock mystery solved

The case of the missing sock has been resolved. My son going to Boy Scouts wasn’t worth even one call, but the missing sock mystery was worth several special calls.

She wanted me to search my one foot snow drift (now two feet) looking for it. Now if it was outside, that meant that she dropped it out of the bag I put it in. But I should search for it.

That’s her sense of priorities – BIC of course.

I don’t know how he did this, but he somehow got his black sock in between my black Home Theatre stand and my black Audio rack. It’s crowded with lots of interconnecting cables & stuff. They sit very close to each other and the lower sides really don’t need dusting.

Sure enough I dropped a disk and when I bent over to pick it up and I looked and thought what is that? Yup his sock. Even more odd considering all the rest of his clothes were in his bedroom upstairs. Must have taken one off downstairs with his boots I guess.

I should put his bed in storage and rename his bedroom to a playroom, since he’s only slept their once in two years. But I keep it there in case maybe someday she’ll let him stay overnight.

For all the fuss I should have gotten her to give me a written receipt acknowledging the return of the sock. Who knows, in March, it may be reason used for yet another delay.

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