Monday, February 26, 2007

Lawyer's Karma

What a coincidence, I was composing a letter to my lawyer detailing his latest screw up (see posts below) and was watching TV. Crossing Jordan is a show about forensic investigation.

Forgive this post being a little morbid, but when it comes to lawyers, it really is deserved.

Tonight's episode was a new run and is not repeated in my area, but if your area hasn't shown this episode, you simply must see it. The episode name is "Night of the Living Dead".

A shady defense lawyer gets a guilty client off. The family of the victim is distraught. That night the defendant, the defense lawyer, and his girl friend are all found shot. Oh but it gets better.

During the reconstruction of the crime scene, they realize that the defense lawyer grabbed the defendant and used him as a shield. The defendant wasn't the target, the lawyer was.

Turns out that the lawyer isn't really dead, he's conscience, but paralyzed from an incorrectly prepared puffer fish, that he ate while celebrating the victory of getting his guilty client off. So he's getting zipped up in a body bag, closed in a crypt drawer, hears the autopsies of others in the morgue, hears the comments of the various people who didn't like him getting killers off.

While in this state, he promises to change his ways, if someone will just notice that he is still alive before they cut him up.

The medical examiners on the show who are normally not the least bit squeamish, just don't want to soil their hands of this sleaze bag lawyer. Finally the chief medical examiner starts with a small incision to remove a bullet fragment. He notices that the blood is not behaving the way it should for a dead man, he puts glass under his nose a detects extremely shallow breath.

So the medical examiners are the ones who discover the puffer fish connection and in essence save the man they despise. He is treated and regains total recovery.

So happily ever after? Of course not, the lawyer forgets his pleas and promises of reform and promises to sue the medical examiners for not detecting that he was alive.

Typical lawyer. Good show, until that true to life ending. The reason why lawyers are universally despised remains clear.

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