Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tagged A to Z

And here’s the response to MT’s A-Z Tag

1. A is for age: 50

2. B is for beer of choice: Guinness, if I’m drinking beer, although if I’m drinking, it’s more likely Canadian (Club) Whiskey and Ginger Ale.

3. C is for career right now: High end Technology Support is my 30 year career. For the past seven years I’ve been Dad. For the past two years I’ve been a Professionally Poor Litigant, Activist Agitator, Falsely Accused Deadbeat.

4. D is for your dog's name? (Childhood neighbor’s dog that I walked, never had one of my own, always been a cat person) Queenie

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: laptop

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Oh there's lots of favorites, depends on my mood. Education shows with my son on A&E, History, TLC, Discovery like Modern Marvels, Mega Movers, Extreme Engineering, Mythbusters, Lost Worlds; for entertainment Jon Stewart, stand up comedy, sharper comedy like Denis Miller, Lewis Black, Denis Leary; drama like Third Watch, Shield, Dirt, Rescue Me, House.

7. G is for favorite game: Volleyball

8. H is for Hometown: Some of you know, biggest metro area in a northern state

9. I is for instruments you play: Clarinet (as a child)

10: J is for favorite juice: Nearly any fruit juice

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: My wife’s hired bitch lawyer, or all divorce lawyer leeches

12. L is for last place you ate: my house

13. M is for marriage: Separated, Never ending divorce litigation

14. N is for your full name: John (some of you know)

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: been there, never admitted. I had a severe accident three years ago and was life flighted to a level 1 trauma center in the early morning and they still got me out that night.

16. P is for people you were with today? My lawyer (worst) – My Son (best)

17. Q is for quote: "I'm not perfect, but I am reasonable" My Blog Qoute

18. R is for Biggest Regret: Probably have to steal Mike’s “Not finding the right women to marry the first time”

19. S is for status: Buried in litigation, with every aspect of my life controlled by the court.

20. T is for time you woke up today: 10:00 am two days ago

21. U is for underwear you have on now: Joe Boxer Briefs

22. V is for vegetable you love: Corn or Cooked Cauliflower

23. W is for worst habit: Not being good at playing the "Game" and having too much self-doubt. It always amazes me when I run into people who just pull stuff out of their ass and speak with such authority and confidence about things they hardly know. I get even more perturbed when I pay them hundreds of dollars an hour. I swear "It's not what you know, it's how much smoke you can blow". I am always so careful before I chart a course, (perfectionist tendencies), so when I do go forward, I am pretty damn sure of myself. Not because I blew smoke up my own ass, but because I researched it.

24. X is for x-rays you've had: almost everything head to toe except Pelvis.
Foot injury, major joint problems, Smashed Knee, Broken ribs, Dislocated Elbow, Shattered Shoulder, Head Trauma. Chest xrays and CTs. Various MRIs. Hey but I'm all put together now.

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: Stouffer's Southwest Chicken Panni

26. Z is for the zodiac sign: Scorpio

Status: Second Draft, completed after catching up on my sleep. Updated 02/28/07 10 pm


Leigh said...

I really hope you are resting.

Have a good day!

jd said...

Ahhhhhhh John! A fellow scorpion! :)

JQ75 said...

Leigh, Yeah I set three alarms an hour apart. I'm caught up now and feel well.

jd, Yep, my only sibling is too.

I used to live as far north as you could on the US side of the border (you can ask if I know you).

So when I say whiskey I mean Canadian. In the south where they try to pass off Bourbon as "American Whiskey", please.

My Irish relatives may balk, but my main drink is Canadian Whiskey.

guttergirl said...

JQ, I didn't realize how many things we have in common. As for your drink, I am Canadian but prefer Bailey's Irish Cream. Between us, we balance out.

jd said...

John, this might sound silly, but are you watching your salt intake? Most packaged foods have a ton of sodium in them.

JQ75 said...

jd, not so silly, as soon as I can sleep and eat at least once in every 24 hour period, then I'll have to take a closer look at the food details.

BTW, how do you think salt may be affecting me?

I eat less fast food than my hypocritical wife feeds my son.

I'm not much of a chef, so I take shortcuts with frozen or prepared foods. But at least they are real food and not mystery food boiled in mystery oils.

jd said...

John, sodium can raise your blood pressure sky high and make you at risk for a stroke, among other things.
You really need to have your blood pressure checked even if you go to the drug store and buy one with the digital read-outs.
A good one will cost around 70.00.....

JQ75 said...

Oh, OK. Historically, my blood pressure has been very good, even under stress.

I do have a family history of high blood pressure and (untreated) Apnea is a contributor to it. But so far it's been OK.

I'll have to ask the next time I get it taken.

Hey maybe venting on the Blog helps keep my blood pressure under control.