Sunday, April 22, 2007

Comparative Guilt

While everyone is condemning Baldwin on his outburst and trying to determine his just punishment, a few important points are lost.
  • His outburst was hurtful to his child
  • The release of this private recording to the media (likely by the "innocent, protective" mother) allows all of the child's friends and acquaintances in on this outburst, so she can be teased, taunted, embarrassed and uncomfortable.
  • Is the public release of this any less hurtful than the original outburst?
  • Given that the mother was playing "denial of visitation" games, is that any less hurtful than the outburst?
  • How much did these games actually contribute to over even cause the outburst?
So who else is at fault? And why don't we hear more about it?

Could this be prevented? Hell yes! The signs of these games are crystal clear to anyone with half a brain. But the court, hiding behind their slogan, "in the best interest of the child", refuses to take action. Anyone found playing these games, when no real evidence of harm is available, should be ordered to mental health treatment and loose the rights to make custody decisions. Anyone found making false accusations to withhold visitation should prosecuted for purgery and obstruction of justice.

These two changes would dramatically reduce this game, its detrimental impact on all family members, and the court back log. It might also impact the money spent on lawyers and that is the only reason it is not in place now. Greedy bastard lawyers would rather hurt your kids.


Karin's Korner said...

I don't know if you saw this...

But this also came from Meg and when I read her blog that contained this site, I thought of you right away and knew that I had to bring it to you and to your attention.

Good Luck!!

JQ75 said...

Thanks Karin. I'm going to write another post referencing Meg's other articles and that site.

I'm "lucky" in that I'm not getting the full PAS. My son is restricted from seeing me but he's not being turned against me.

But I'm half way there with the way he is used in the court system to beat me. I suppose I should study it better in case she decides to go the rest of the way, although at this point my son's relationship with me is strong.

But one should never underestimate pure evil and any misuse of a child, full PAS or the court weapon that I'm experiencing must be recognized for the child abuse that it is.