Sunday, May 13, 2007

And the pendulum swings back

Well Friday night was nice. Then comes Saturday morning.

The mailman ringsd my doorbell. Certified mail. Who from, the court? Yep, the court. See what I mean by constant unrelenting grief. Well, you can take it back to the post office, I don't want it. That means that "service of court document failed as undeliverable". So time to search for my name in the court system dockets. Just what I thought CV-07-xxxxxx, a new civil action against me. Well there's a lot more to this story, the point of this post is to show how fleeting any sense of joy can be.

Several conversations with my lawyer on the various issues? His response - "I don't know what you want me to do". Simple observation - He's playing dumb. Translation - "I don't want to fix this, for any number of reasons". The obvious answer, which then generates a circular argument and increased fees is "Do your job asshole, and make an attempt to get these issues resolved, even if it means removing your lips from various' asses".

All in all, a rather poor Saturday morning.

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