Friday, May 25, 2007

Emails IRL

I got two emails from friends IRL (in real life). Hey you guys are real too, and I like you a bunch because some of my other friends IRL haven't been much help during this time, but I haven't met you in person or known you for long.

These were from people who've known me a very long time. My older cousin has known me my whole life. A business colleague has known me my entire business career. Both are one of a small number of readers who have known me a long time IRL. As a kid, early career, early marriage and now this phase. They have a basis of comparison.

They don’t post, they email to my real email account. They’ve met my wife. I wasn’t going to share the Blog with anyone IRL. But these are people who can be trusted. After decades, friend doesn’t accurately describe things. Most of my relatives are unaware of my Blog.

They’ve written a lot of thought provoking items, it will take me time to thoughtfully answer you. I have been thinking of you both and your support. I will briefly respond…

To my dear cousin:
  • I love your email title, I’m gonna use it in a post…
  • You are reading my mind on the lawyer’s intentions and my reaction. You can tell we’re related we think alike.
  • Your idea about a letter to my son is excellent, will do
  • My mother was referring to my wife’s lawyer
  • You are on the opposite side of the list our Uncle is in
  • Sometime I’m at my parents over the weekend, I’ll call you with free cell minutes, they’d love to talk I’m sure

To my business colleague:
  • Nobody but the lawyers really win, but I did prevail on issues that others have lost
  • I’ll be on the market soon, now that I’m not in court every week
  • You are perceptive and articulate. Your emails are more challenging to respond too.
  • Sorry I have a big back log of your emails but you raise very deep issues that require some thought to answer, they’re in my pending draft folders
  • You have made some poignant observations that few would be able to make, I will redact as needed, keeping only info about me and post on the Blog because they show a side that others IRL haven’t even seen.

Status: First Draft - Last Updated 05/25/07

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