Thursday, May 10, 2007

Senior Partner Notified of Chump Change

Sometimes in life you have to swallow turds. I have a gag reflex, I don't like turds.

I called the senior partner and asked a simple question, can you guys handle math? I am very irritated by math errors I would characterize as careless. I managed a half million dollars of public funds and if I made these kinds of errors I'd be fired and jailed. Call it a character flaw, an obsessive personality trait, I hung with accountants, purchasing agents and the CFO for any technology purchase over $100K University wide. That is where I set the bar.

If you can't do it, admit it, say it's out of scope, say get a CPA. Fine. But don't get this sensitivity crap that I'm criticizing you when I get terribly agitated by these errors.

To me chump change is what I carry in my wallet, less than a $100. If I loose more than that it's a problem. When you guys are making errors in the thousands or tens of thousands that is above my tolerance for error.

Errors are caused by haste, large roundoff, legal pad transcriptions, memory mistakes, improper use of spreadsheets and advocacy failures. They are all avoidable. They should be rare. This is the second conversation on this topic this week. Fix it.

My lawyer called 30 minutes later, with an improved tone. He'll be fixing them.

And if I hadn't done a very careful review (I admit they are subtle), I would have lost over $10K. On my best days, I don't make $10K at work. But that's what I found in two days. Two days the court wanted to compress to 15 minutes. I would have missed them in 15 minutes too. I grew up with the phrase "haste makes waste." It sure does.

If it's chump change, decide in 15 minutes, if its more, invest the time. You'll be glad you did.


Leigh said...

I often wonder what it would be like for those lawyers and judges to trade you places for one month, and then see what the out come would be. Different?? I think so.

I remember the judge awarding my ex one month unsupervised visitation out of town with my girls, this was after my ex was charged with parental abduction, and had not seen or made any effort to even call or send a letter for over two years, had not paid me one cent in child support. It was clear that he was involved in drug trafficing or worse.

All it took was for my ex to get on the stand and start crying. Which I might add he could do on command.

I went home after court that day and wrote that judge a letter, questioning his judgment. I asked him if he would send his two young children with a stranger, who was a known criminal and who already stole your kids and left the country. I never did get a response.

JQ75 said...

Now that is an interesting observation. I have often commented that if all my wife's money was frozen and she was denied access to our son she would not be able to handle it.

The lawyers and judges have families and some of them have been through divorce, but they know the system, they had an advantage. If they were put in a position where they were abused by the system and left helpless, then they'd see it from their client's outside view rather than a person with an insider advantage.

That is the one thing I have learned during blogging, the court is almost random. In my case I'm denied visitation over minor allegations that were found to be false. In your case it seems almost the opposite.

I know the pain of such a devastatingly unfair and irrational decision. I'm sorry you had to endure that. You'd think that after they saw these various phony games, they'd be immune to them. Ironically they seem to be immune to the pleas of the people who are not playing games.

They also have the disgusting habit of sticking by stupid decisions regardless of how obviously wrong they turn out to be.

I'm so glad your girls are back with you now. Maybe my son will be returned to me some day. Thanks for your support.