Monday, May 07, 2007

Game Day T-30 Hours

Got to decide about dropping the bomb on my lawyer. My thought is if I drop it on his boss, maybe he'll step up to the plate, and that would be good. Or he could get defensive and that would be bad. It depends on his principles. Classically trained in law, one wonders why I could possibly assume that he'd have any principles. Maybe I'm a sucker for wanting the best from people, that would explain marrying my wife wouldn't it.

Well I guess I'll go with my gut and let the shrapnel fly where it may. For every rant and warning I've listed here, I've delivered five times that to the potential victims. One has to wonder how many times you need to ask politely, beg, demand, threaten, and scream to be heard by this deaf, dumb, blind, dysfunctional and cruel system.

Got lot's of equipment buzzing, PC/Ext Drive, Laptop/USB Drive/DVD Burner all transferring files at top speed. Multiple backups of all divorce files. All divorce files loading to laptop - case files, recordings, correspondence. Loading software tools, file snyc'ers/explorers/bookmarks.

My laptop has a widescreen and is great for playing DVDs. Since the judge abhors talking to common folk and has allocated 2 minutes for the divorce out of the 9-18 hours in the courthouse, maybe I should bring some DVDs to watch while I'm waiting in the hall like an asshole while 2 lawyers who don't like me argue before the judge about how badly they should screw me. I was thinking of an appropriate genre to get me in the right mood - 12 Angry Men, Runaway Jury, stuff related to the corrupt system.

Minds a buzzing, for two years of crap, so many open issues, such shoddy work. Just because you have a $200-300 per hour lawyer doesn't mean you can't find better info in a $20-30 book. In fact future posts will show you what and where I found info that should be in my $100K divorce and wasn't.


Determined said...

what a shame - good money gone to an absolute waste.

Anonymous said...

Good luck John. If anyone deserves it, you do.