Friday, May 25, 2007


Well I have my advance tickets to Pirates of the Caribbean 3. It's almost a 3 hour movie and I see my son for 4 hours, so we're talking tight squeeze. Nothing new there. My son had a blast.

It was playing in a big theater with stadium seating, he ran to the top row and sat right under the projector. A few times he stood up to see how it worked. I've prepared him for POC, he knows the fights are staged and can't be imitated. I packed a sandwich so he could eat during the movie. Since it was a long movie, at the end he told me he had to go to the bathroom. We ran out as the credits started and got back to an empty theater as the credits were still rolling and what did we see after the film logos. Well I won't say, but you need to wait to see it, it will tie a few more pieces together. Real POC fans should know that there is a tidbit after each ending credit trailer.

The reviewers aren't being nice, but I'm a fan. It completes the story. All the twisting plots come together.

For those taking younger children, there is action and violence. Not as bad as Braveheart, but about as frequent. The opening scenes with hanging's could be disturbing for some. Outright gore was limited. Watch for the boy, you won't understand his significance unless you see the tiny clip after all the credits at the end are through.

My girl Kiera (KK) takes on a variety of roles during this film, nothing you'd guess. KK is almost the main character in POC3. She has more screen time than any other I think. At times she looks ragged like one of the boys, at times like she stepped out of Vogue.

There are a lot of twisting plots that can keep an adult mind busy. For the younger crowd, they can still appreciate it without noticing those deeper levels. Some interesting special effects, like how the Flying Dutchman bursts to the surface and the whirlpool battle.

Capt. Barbosa returns along with his Monkey (Jack named after Capt Jack) to play the major captain seeking Capt Jack after the ending of POC2. But just as in POC1, Capt Jack can steal the screen when he appears. Davey Jones and the VooDoo lady play important roles, carrying on from POC2. If you want to follow all the plots, it helps to watch POC2 before POC3.

So is that it. Well, all the existing plot lines are tied together so it could end here. But Johnny did say he'd like to do Jack again. The ending does allow a POC4 if they want to. There is some interesting irony in Capt Jack's POC3 ending as it relates to a very much earlier set of circumstances.

By popular demand and as a service to my female readers, here's a little about Johnny Depp's role.

Johnny's character is surreal, he's at world's end being punished by Davy Jones. You'll be surprised how well Richards cleans up. Too bad he wasn't on screen more. His second appearance was very short.

Sorry girls, Depp doesn't show up for 30 minutes. Of the 2 hours and 47 minutes he is on screen for less than 2 hours. But that's still a long time. Depp's father, Keith Richards makes 2 short appearances and he looks cool, as the keeper of the code. His hair is styled similar to Depp's.

There are some interesting trust issues between some of the male and female roles which were hinted at in POC2 and become more clear in POC3.

Status: Second Draft - Last Updated 05/26/07 06:30 am


Determined said...

JQ - have fun with your son!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, yes, trust issues among the males and females!
But of course!

Lara Croft said...

JQ and I have an aggreement , he gets Keira if I can have Jack lol

Hope the movie was a buzz, Im off to see it next Sat with my mates:-)

JQ75 said...

Sol, sure did!

Littlewing, I'm biased my son and I are fans. But for any readers who have followed POC, watch POC1 & POC2 and you'll be surprised at the "trust" issues between the sexes that come out in POC3. And we're talking more than a few here too.

Of course you have trust issues among the male actors, that's expected, that's why Keith Richards, Johnny's Father, Keeper of the (Pirate's) Code must make an appearance.

But my girl KK and even the VooDoo Lady (end of POC2) are full of surprises.

Yep, Lara & I, made this agreement. Yeah we wish, but we can dream.

Sorry Lara, KK gets all the screen time. Watch closely and there are a few interesting interactions between KK and Johnny. But Johnny captures attention while on screen, I know he'll have yours. LOL.

JQ75 said...

Oh my gosh, just for clarification, Lara wants Johnny playing Capt. Jack.

While Capt. Barbosa's monkey named Jack (named after Capt Jack) is especially cute, Lara has expressed her main interest in the actor. LOL.

For those who like the antics of Jack, the POC Lost Disk (the third and separate DVD from POC1) has some neat footage with Capt Barbosa and his monkey Jack.

In POC3 Jack is more independent, he's not on Capt. Barbosa's shoulder all the time.

Lara Croft said...

Jack the monkey has some cute shots in POC3 and is definately one of the stars LOL