Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No peace...

As I've said countless times, they always add something. She is insatiable.

Ten minutes before my son gets off the bus the lawyers call, my lawyer and the senior partner. Calling to tell me it's over? No, to tell me there have been more changes.

I protest, "you are interfering with time with my son". They push forward, they must discuss this now. I have made no changes, to my detriment, in two weeks. Why today?

I asked, "Have you forgotten where this discussion is to take place? At the newspaper's Metro Desk", the senior partner retorts, "I have more interesting cases, they aren't interested."

Well, I didn't challenge him on that one, but with the amount of documented abuses, including quite candid and unflattering recordings, I'd wager that they could spare some inches. I may just make an anonymous query to find that out.

What now? Some more money and some more stuff, and the new one, take the bed out from under me. Now she took the entire contents of two of the three bedrooms. Would she like to take the clothes off my back and see what she can get for them as a charity write off?

I have a major industry meeting tomorrow. That's when they wanted to cover all this bullshit.

I was assured everybody wasn't going to get what they want. That's why I was supposed to give up 7 grand. Now its much more. I am to be saddled with her tax burden in addition to my own.

So I stated that I am not available tomorrow. So the 10th Trial Date is scheduled in front of a magistrate because the judge will be on vacation, and he never works Fridays.

And the odds of 11th? Better than 50/50?

I will be plagued with her harrassment until death do us part. In today's screwed up society, Marriage is temporary, and Divorce is forever. (jqism)

Authors Note: Quotes have not been verified against recordings as verbatim.


guttergirl said...

10th trial date!?!?!

That is insane. Our legal system is so screwed up. No wonder the courts are backlogged. I know you realize this already (after all, you have to live this), but a neutral party should come in, take a look at all the pounds of paperwork already generated and make a final binding decision. They you will all be free.
Better yet, get some enviromentalist group to come and look at all the paperwork these delays cause. That should get them going about killing so many trees for garbage reasons.
Good luck! Again I am wishing a speedy rememdy to your awful situation.

Leigh said...

I am speechless, but yet not shocked. I hope you are breathing, that is all you can do for now.

I hope you enjoyed your son time.

JQ75 said...

Yep, it is insane and screwed up.

We started in mediated dissolution by my suggestion as an alternative to her demand for divorce. I still recommend this process as a way to avoid the disastrous court system and to maintain some control over your future. Binding arbitration would have been the next step (the name for what you describe) for anything that could not be agreed on in mediation.

But my wife chose traditional adversarial court. This should be completely dismantled as a primitive obsolete system that serves no one.

Environmental impact, oh gosh. They'd go crazy, I have at least 8 cases of paper associated with this case and I ask for things in machine readable format and avoid printing things. My lawyer drags two cases for the financial settlement and he probably has at least that for the child custody part of the case too.

I'll be breathing. I've been enjoying my time with my son, despite this case. I have sent a strongly worded message on how I feel about their interruption of my time with my son.

Cross your fingers on Tuesday 5/22. Maybe that'll be the day.

Determined said...

I'm crossing my fingers, JQ! Please let that be the day!