Sunday, May 20, 2007

Do I have to tell you everything?

My lawyer finally calls, I ask, "So what is going to happen on Tuesday" (Trial Day # 10).
He mumbles, "Well you and your wife are going to have to come to an agreement on property settlement".

I ask, "Well how would that happen when we've had agreement for the last 4 proposals and then she changed her mind."

"I dunno", says the learned lawyer.

What a fuckin moron pussy. So what will he be contributing to the closure? A fee?

I ask, "So with these new demands, what commitment is there that this is the end?" Oh the opposition committed. "With a signature?", I ask. No! Well, then there is no commitment, how many times does this hired bitch need to renege on her word to start getting this shit in writing like I've demanded dozens of times?

So I tell him, Here's how it's going to happen. I know the facts and figures. I breathe the facts and figures. And this is as good as it gets. This proposal includes a $7000 gift. You want more property, no gift.

There is no way that much of the give backs I've agreed to can be justified, including the new ones. So either we go with the wilily nilly horse trade that the judge agreed to last week which includes her third increased property demand or we go anal retentive every dollar accounted for in the spreadsheet. But she can't have this fourth demand without going back to the spreadsheet and backing out willy nilly horse traded gifts.

Now that is the plan, that is the message for my lawyer to deliver. Take it, or calculate it and it will be much worse. But you can't juggle it this way when it's better for you, than that way when it's better for you. You think you deserve more, I'll show you down the middle splits, best case, worst case, DoS, DoD, any which way you want and they'll all be worse. I know the numbers. The deal gets no better than this.

Don't make me do it. She will not like the real numbers. She will be much worse off than this sweetheart screwed up math deal that you have offered her now. "Do you understand me? Can you get with this program for Tuesday?" "Yes" he says sheepishly.

Status: Second Draft Updated 05/20/07 09:30 am


Anonymous said...

JQ75 does your wife have another job, besides trying to screw you?????

Lara Croft said...

Have you considered going into Law JQ, I think you would be sought after. But wait till settlement so she can't capitalise on your success lol

Anonymous said...

Oh I like the way Lara thinks!

JQ75 said...

It's odd, my wife and her lawyer have such similar manipulative, decietful, actress personalities that the only way to tell them apart is hair color.

My lawyers have thought that it is her lawyer screwing me and my wife is just a passive unaware client.

Interesting theory and possibly partially true, but my wife is responsible for more than 50% of the screwing. I have two ways of knowing, I see evidence of her personal intervention against me through other court officers and I see it in my limited interaction with her.

She worked part time at home when she lived with me. I worked with her employer to set up secure connections into their corporate network to allow her that flexibility because it just wasn't a priority for their corporate IT department. Later I extended this ability to other employees as a consultant. She now works full time at that job.

Given "working" in a system that is very screwed up to start with it really isn't to much work for her to screw me. Getting a jump into this screwed up system the "right" way can let you screw your partner on autopilot.

She covertly planned this divorce for a few years. I don't mean casual thoughts, I mean active preparation with private PO box, meeting lawyers, gathering my passwords, PINs, account numbers.

Getting the right lawyer and an aggressive offensive start is all you need to get the other party screwed.

Her other screwing technique that isn't much work, is slowly dribbling out her demands. She gathered all her data long before I knew she was going to proceed with the divorce. But rather than come out with a gigantic blatantly unreasonable demand that could be shot down, she has dribbled it out into dozens of battles.

By not committing to anything it is a constantly moving target that never ends.

So to summarize I'm getting screwed very well, but I'm doing all the work.

What if I didn't do any work? Didn't respond, didn't defend myself? I'd loose everything, and I mean everything. No visitation, no money, no house.

JQ75 said...

Oh yeah, law and this screwed up system. I'd have to find a non-traditional way to be involved as an advocate or activist. I have thought about it a lot.

Actually she has won a five year alimony re-evaluation so she can come after me if I strike it rich. Since my son will be released as defendant, I will investigate diverting any potential alimony into a trust for my son.

Keep the good ideas coming.

Lara Croft said...

You know I think you should document this experience on dvd, I can see a Micheal Moore film LOL

JQ75 said...

Great ideas Lara. I'd be more of a Ralph Nader guy than Micheal Moore but hey sometimes you have strange alliances.

Moore would love my unpublished recordings, emails, documents. He wouldn't be bashful at all about showing the raw truth.

The senior partner is so sure that no one would be interested. We have two weekly alternative newspapers in our town and one is famous for an expose cover almost every week. They broke a story on my wife's competitors (Circles of Hell) and their abusive practices, they interviewed many of the lawyers who wouldn't comment, so they had trouble digging deep enough. They wouldn't have that problem with my documentation.

Lara, if I hit the big time, you'll get an autographed copy. And if it's big enough a free trip to the USA.

Lara Croft said...

I am going to hold you to that !!

whooo hooo go Jq Expose