Thursday, May 10, 2007

Showing my hand...

Obviously, one should not show their hand until the right time. At this point, it is moot. I've tipped my hand and I think they know it. They think I'm bluffing, they are willing to risk it, not because they have accessed the risk, but because they are so damn arrogant and cock sure of themselves. So why not share my hand and solicit ideas.

This case weighs heavy on my life for so many reasons. The closest thing I could describe it as is an obsession. But let's just correct that right away, I'm obsessed with preventing the destruction of my future. Faced with certain life destruction, I believe this is a normal, healthy, self preservation response. Faced with this level of destruction, can you go on with daily trivial life issues as if this looming annihilation is a minor inconvenience. Faced with four court ordered seizures totaling $50K (yes they can and did do this to me) would you be clipping dollar off coupons or direct most of your energy to preventing seizures? If you picked the first, I tell you flat out that won't be the case when this issue looms within your sight.

There is another process, denial and shutdown. Another alternative of self preservation, fight or flight. Flight to using the minds amazing ability to protect itself by turning off emotions or by slipping into depression to prevent the high stress and likely futile fight.

Under prolonged stress you may slide between these fight and flight processes. Over time I have built up the fight arsenal. Even under severe stress at Monday's meeting as I wait in the hallway for strangers to decide my future, I was updating my fight response. Watching for my lawyer and hitting the PG DN key as he approached. He knew. He glimpsed the familiar court heading required by our local rules. But arrogance prevents his accepting that I may do it. Even after I made good on leaving court, he is clueless that my other threats will also be carried out.

So what will be finished as I enter court next?
Motion of Appearance
Objection to Fees
Schedule of Exhibits

Exhibit A – Response to Complaint for Divorce
Exhibit B – Parenting Time Issues
Exhibit C – Financial Settlement Issues
Exhibit D – Plaintiff Fees
Exhibit E – Legal Representation for Defense
Exhibit F – Agreements under Duress, Plaintiff Tactics – Delay and Intimidation
Why should anyone care or act, why not continue stonewalling, that has worked well so far? That is very possible, but not guaranteed. When an arrogant individual is cock sure of themselves and is faced with a scenario they never prepared for, it can have a shock value. If it has a 1% chance of affecting 10% of an unfair $100K settlement, would you do it, or is it chump change?

On Tuesday, I inserted a crow bar in their stone wall, called their bluff and opened the crack wide enough to walk through. I was not jailed as threatened. I think my chance went from 1% to 10%.

They practice intimidation so you are afraid to stand up to their self proclaimed power and in doing so they are able to get you to run in retreat, to victimize yourself.

I'm going to stand up to them, I will not cower in their intimidation, I will empower myself rather than allow them to intimate me into victimizing myself.

I will offer a way out, a compromise, a more balanced settlement. I will show them what my lawyer didn't care to. In a fair trial, my outcome would be much better, but here is a more balanced compromise, here is why the Plaintiff had better not continue chipping on the cantilevered support. It will fall on their head. Judge you don't understand why the Plaintiff should compromise. I'll give you some help with that. Oh and while I'm at it I'll demonstrate the lawyer's inappropriate fees and maybe you can rule on that too.


Lara Croft said...

It's a pity your wife fails to see the important part of this mess, your son

JQ75 said...

Oh that's a whole post, there are so many things she "doesn't" see. Although since she lies & manipulates you never know for sure if she really doesn't see it or if she is pretendng not to see it.

A big part of it is her being extremely self centered. She needs her revenge, she needs control.

But restricting our sons visits will earn her his resentment.

I have seen contentious divorces where the child's interest was maintained. But when one parent decides the child makes a good weapon it is a sad situation. The court should order mandatory counseling for that parent and not allow them to make restrictive decisions.