Sunday, May 06, 2007

Don't pull a Kim on me...

For the last few days, my wife has been "forgetting" the court ordered phone access. I sit around waiting for the call. Then after 30 minutes, I call her cell, no answer. Then maybe an hour late, I hear from my son, but its time for bed and he can't talk long.

Uh, hey wife, you aren't Kim, and I know that you don't think I'm Alec, so what's with the new game? Did your hired bitch suggest this one as a pre-trial strategy? Or did you come up with it all by yourself?

So you and your hired bitch are so cock sure you can get away with shit that you violate two court orders in the last four days. Well, reasonable assertion given my pussy's (lawyer's) lackluster performance. Did you forget that I know how to write a motion to show cause? Did you forget I got a lawyer fired for cause in chambers on the spot? Of course you don't know about my "Fuck you" recording that should be a pretty compelling reason to call my lawyer's advocacy into question. I'll just sit on that egg for a day and a half.

Update: I get a call an hour late, he should be going to bed soon. He tells me he's almost leaving his grandmother's house, 60 miles away. So I guess he'll be getting an hour less sleep for school tomorrow. My visitation was reduced so he could get more sleep. Both in the BIC, of course.

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