Friday, May 04, 2007

Game time D-4

So I get a call today, the pussy is pumped, oh he's fighting mad, he's full of bravado, machismo, but mainly he's full of shit. He's just heard from opposing counsel. She wants to meet today or tomorrow (yep, Saturday, gotta keep billin those hours). But pussy (my lawyer if you haven't been following closely) says no way, I'm leaving the office, I have a wedding this weekend.

According to my lawyer:
She gets irritated, he says he's open Monday, she's still irritated, so he asks - Do you have substantive changes? She wants to meet not talk. He reminds her that the judge finalized all the substantive changes and was not expecting more. She gets very irritated and supposedly were yelling at each other, then she hangs up on him.
My lawyer expects:
  • She will send a nasty letter that he was uncooperative over the weekend
  • She may or may not reveal substantive changes before trial on Tue
  • The judge will use the entire extended court day 10am to 7pm
  • The judge will not want to schedule a 9th day, so he "won't let anyone leave" and could extend it to 2 am.
So I ask whether he expects the judge to continue to tolerate of her delays. He says no, and I asked what gives you that impression, well (waffling), I don't know, he's the judge. I said, maybe this is a good time to ask the judge to provide instruction to opposing counsel in the form of sanctions, fines, or jail time. Do you think you could ask about that? He gets pissy. Because I won't be to timid to ask. "Fuck You" he says and hangs up on me.

The entire conversation, including the unique salutation, was recorded, so I imagine I have a pretty good case against be properly represented according to the Canons of Conduct, and recieving due process under law. That recording as well as the hundreds of others made over the last three years will be loaded on my laptop and available for playback to the judge, if needed.

Well, replacing the laptop was a good idea, since she's not accepting the agreement it will need to be hammered out on the fly in court. We've had 25 over months to do this. But it will be a slam dunk on Trial Day # 8 (or maybe 9).

And that my friends is how the game is played.

Status: First Draft, updates to verbetum quotes to follow from recording.


Anonymous said...

That sucks.

Leigh said...

Okay when can you check MATE??? I have always wanted to say that. I guess I should learn how to play chess first.

Have a good evening!!

JQ75 said...

Good pun Leigh, my lawyer estimates Tue 5/8 7pm, could goto Wed 2am. But if opposing counsel is up to usual or if both lawyers pull a bad financial play (as I expect) things vould be delayed further.

There is a decent chance at freezing the setlement, I have a good "push" play for that one.

Ah, the game of chess. I'll be teaching it to my son soon.

Oh, to return the pun, aren't you too far north for that southern talk, eh? Just teasing Leigh. Take care...

Determined said...

ooh, can't wait until you upload them wav files! lol

JQ75 said...

That's a bit of a threat. First I have about 3 GB of wav file over the last 3 years, the voice would be recognizable in my town. Although the "Fuck You" and hanging up part might be an interesting post.

If you think you're in trouble with your Blog, imagine the heat I'd take with identifiable recordings of a lawyer doing disbarable things.

Now if I can find some software voice scrambler to protect the guilty and protect me from a lawsuit, well then that would be worth considering.